Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!
Why is SVP so important?

Edgar Cayce participated in the healing of over 14,000 people and countless people since then. How did he do it?
Phineas Quimby treated/healed 12,000 people (including Mary Baker Eddy). How did he do it?
John Worrell Keely constructed hundreds of machines, many activated by Mind Force. What was he doing and how did he do it?
Walter Russell, among countless accomplishments, predicted many elements which were later discovered because of his predictions. How did he do it?
Nikola Tesla has an understanding on electricity and magnetism that demonstrated he was the world's foremost expert in these fields. What did he know?

What did these remarkable people know that conventional science cannot seem to get a handle on or choose to ignore? They knew the underlying principles that govern wholistic nature and it's harmonious activities. SVP knows these principles and presents them to the public ready and willing to know a Greater Truth. The SVP presentations and expressions of these Higher Truths (higher than base Newtonian or sensorial physics) form a Rosetta Stone spanning the seemingly impenetrable writings of these gifted and creative people.


The Science and Technology of
John Ernst Worrell Keely

Lecture given by Dale Pond before the
Swiss Association of Free Energy,
October 28, 1989, Einseideln, Switzerland

Mankind has placed himself in a grave situation.  He has divorced himself from Nature with his current attitudes towards Science and Religion. The study of Nature is really a study of Science and Religion.  Science is man's effort to know about Nature.  Religion is man's effort to reconnect with that Nature.  Hence through the arts of science and religion Mankind is attempting to know what Nature is in its truest sense and by way of this ever-expanding understanding to establish his kinship with Nature.  These two subjects are bound together as a two sided unit.  Science on the one side is ever expanding understanding and Religion is the assimilation of himself into this ever growing awareness of all that is around him.  This concept is of course the ideal situation.  Mankind has rarely attained this ideal state.

In actuality Mankind has separated himself from Nature with his ever increasing materialistic views embodied in both Science and Religion.  His Science admits no connection between himself and his experiments.  Atheistic attitudes separates him from Nature and natural processes.  This is in error and has lead ultimately to the abysmal situation we find on earth today.  Pollution is rampant and uncontrolled.  Hunger, pain and suffering, and a lack of the basic material necessities plagues people in all countries.  In fact, this century has been the bloodiest time in all of Mankind's history with nearly 100 million souls destroyed in all parts of the globe.  

It would seem, at first glance, that with all the modernizations and increases in human science and technology, that we are living in the greatest age of history.  But this is not so.  To those who have perished and those who now suffer this is a terrible time in history.  The question remains "why is this so?"

 It is an easy thing to point one's finger at the "bad guys" and lay blame at someone else's feet.  It is easy to say one political group is evil and one's own political group is innocent.  The truth of the matter is these problems were not created by any one or several groups of politically oriented peoples.  These problems were created and perpetuated by ignorance.  This ignorance is a lack of awareness that all of Mankind is a part of Nature.  This materialistic ignorance does not recognize that we are all part of a single natural scheme closely bound together in our actions and circumstances.  A concept of Oneness, an idea that Mankind is a valuable part of Nature, has long been held and preserved through the centuries most conspicuously by the religious and metaphysical organizations.  Materialistic science has cut off these tried and true ideas at the knees and left man bereft of his common foundation.  Materialistic science has left mankind with nowhere to go except along the paths he has established in  this century.  These paths have lead to more bloodshed, pain and suffering than all previous paths he has ever choosen.

Free energy will not liberate Mankind from these evils.  Neither will faster and more powerful machines free him of these self imposed burdens.  Certainly more money, more people and more bureaucracies will not help either.  We already have cheaper energy, more people, more bureaucracies and have spent vast amounts of human effort towards the solution of these problems and the net result has been an increase of the same problems.  Mankind is on the wrong path.

What is needed is a comprehensive awareness that binds Mankind together within a wholistic knowledge that he is a part, an important part, in the natural processes of Nature in which he finds himself.  What one man does has an effect on his neighbor and the natural processes surrounding them both.  This dual view of nature is fundamental to science, religion and common sense.  It is called the Law of Cause and Effect by science and karma by certain religions.  This is an almost impossible law for most science or most religions to accept because it implies responsibility to one's self.  It also implies that the perpetrator be charitable.  He must concede that his neighbor have as much importance to him as himself.  Another false premise of materialistic science is that of insufficiency.  The establishment of monopolistic and totalitarian organizations is based on this false idea of there not being enough energy or materialistic substances to go around.  With a broader paradigm that concedes the Universal Forces of Nature are limitless mankind can then be charitable.  But to even concede this much many are hesitant because it implies their knowledge and power structures are based erroneously on false premises.  These ideas of endless abundance implies sharing and most refuse to share because they believe in limited materialities as opposed to limitless potentialities.  -- Hence, the exercise of charity has not been one of Mankind's greatest achievements.

My message to you today is that there is a paradigm of both Science and Religion that encompasses the highest of virtues expressible by Man.  There is a field of science so powerful that it can build a new and better future for Mankind.  There is a philosophy and science so all-encompassing that it can bring Mankind to a realization of his Oneness with his neighbors and with all of Nature.  This paradigm has latent within itself, because of its breadth and scope, more than enough material and spiritual benefits for everyone because it recognizes and uses the very foundation principles of Nature itself.  Because of its recognition and acceptance of its role in life it does not trample human rights or the rights of Nature and assumes full responsibility for itself within its own scope of possibilities.  More than all this, it recognizes the valuable parts of all sciences and religions and merges them into a comprehensive and usable paradigm that has within itself seeds for unlimited growth and expansion.  This paradigm of science is called Sympathetic Vibratory Physics.

What is Sympathetic Vibratory Physics?  It is the science of Harmony, of Oneness.  It holds the concept that all comes from One Source, One Force.  It maintains that the fantastic array of things and activities throughout the universe are related in a simple manner.  This simple basis of relativity is called vibration.  It has been long recognized that everything in the universe vibrates.  Thus, a study of vibrations is the study of the very foundation of Nature.  For once we grasp the inner functioning of the vibratory Universal Creative Forces as they operate throughout the universe, then, and only then, can we correlate them into a comprehensive paradigm and bring them into practical modes of usefulness for the benefit of mankind.  Unlike dogmatic, cold science, Sympathetic Vibratory Physics does not isolate one phenomena from another but accepts and shows the inter-connectivity between all things and forces.  This interconnection between all things is vibration and related vibratory phenomena.  To understand vibration we must develop a comprehensive organized science of vibration governed by laws and principles.  Fortunately a great deal of this development work has already been done.  We have a well developed science of music.  Music is an organized art and science of vibrations found within the audible range of the infinite Electromagnetic Scale.  A major segment of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is therefore a study of music, its arithmetical and philosophical basis of development and how these may be applied to procedures for inventing new and useful devices and processes.

The scientific implications of this science are no greater than the social implications.  In fact, one person suggested to Keely that he cease his scientific work and proceed with the spiritualization of civilization.  This is to say that Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is as important to mankind's spiritual and moral growth as it is to his material benefit.  It has been often said that this science can not be fully mastered without first having mastered self - a very metaphysical principle to be sure.  The greatest pursuit of any man is to know himself and his connection to all that is around him.  This self-knowledge then brings an awareness of Oneness and defeats the ideas of separateness  As a consequence it brings an awareness of responsibility to the individual himself and to those around him.

Should we dare to place in man's hands such fantastic instruments as this science appears capable of delivering without the requisite moral and spiritual understanding such that man might not misuse this knowledge to his own detriment?  Technology is a double edge sword - its products can be used for man's benefit or his destruction.  How wonderful it is that this technology, which promises so much in the form of new discoveries and controls over natural forces, also contains within itself that which may guide man in the correct usage of them.  Stories abound of Keely's accomplishments in this regard and point to a new method of engineering and building machines - a method that binds the purposes of the mind of man to mechanical function.

Rudolph Steiner said in 1913:  "The "West people" of the English-speaking countries, Great Britain and North America, will develop the new mechanical faculty.  They will be able to create machines and mechanical devices which work with hardly any human effort; which work with help of the "Laws of Sympathetic Vibrations."  These machines will do about 90% of the labor, and all social and material trouble as we know it will cease to exist."  Steiner went on to say:  "The famous technology of our days will come to its end soon;  because she will in a certain way wind up herself.  The following phenomenon will then appear:  Man will achieve the faculty to employ the fine vibrations of his ethereal body to impulsate mechanical devices.  The individual will be able to transmit his own vibrations onto the machine, and only he will be able to set the machine in motion, by the vibrations generated by himself.  The men who are now practical technicians will soon discover that they are standing before a complete change as to what one calls practical, when man will be involved with his will in the objective feeling of the world."  

In 1918 Steiner brought the matter up again from another direction:  "All searching in solid matter is nonsensical.  One will at a certain time abandon it -- and mankind will do this before the year 4000 -- that searching in solid matter as underlying nature.  Mankind will discover something totally different; he will discover rhythms everywhere in nature, rhythmic arrangements.  And when this knowledge about nature's rhythms is carried on, one will come to certain employments of these rhythms in technology.  That is the goal set for the future technology of Sympathetic Vibrations, vibrations generated on a small scale, and then continued on a large scale, so that by this simple sympathizing, harmonizing, an incredible lot of work can be done."    As some of you know, this is exactly what Keely did over 100 years ago.

John Ernst Worrell Keely worked incessantly for over 30 years to dis-cover the simple laws governing naturally occurring or artificially derived vibratory forces.  The result of his work was the rediscovery of 40 laws that govern all vibration and vibratory phenomena. These laws have been and are being published in The Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics.  Much work has gone into the interpretation and application of these laws as they apply to modern physics and technology.  Modern science is using some of these laws unbeknownst to itself.  The laser, microwave, quantum physics (chip design), musical and audio component manufacturers are all using some of these laws in the design and construction of their products.  Because of the differences in paradigms however, it will be many years before these laws become recognized for their true worth.  Modern science is based in the concepts of mass vs energy begun by Newton and furthered by Einstein.  Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is based on the actions and interactions of polar and depolar vibrations and the resultant sympathetic associations.  It appears that these actions are the causes of mass and energy.  It is believed that a study of causes advances science to greater accomplishments with more surety and speed than the study of the results or symptoms of these causes.  

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics focuses on the inner nature of vibratory phenomena.  It is well known that vibratory activity contains within itself many differing characteristics and phenomena.  These include: amplitude, velocity, mode, sympathy, number and periodicity.  Each of these characteristics can be regarded as independent factors as they are generally considered in conventional solutions.  However in order to have validity within an integral synapsis they must be considered as parts of a whole.  In a wholistic paradigm each of these characteristics or components must be considered as being relative one to the others.  This viewpoint is generally referred to as the Law of Relativity.  No thing can be considered of and by itself as no thing in the Universe is isolated from interactions upon or by something else.  The isolation of one phenomenon from all others is science's greatest mistake.  Until this error in thinking and practice is corrected we will continue to experience deleterious effects of our scientific endeavors.  Sympathetic Vibratory Physics gives us a broad field in which all things can be studied as relative parts of a comprehensive whole.  Through the study of music and music development we have this relativistic paradigm.  The fundamental principle of music is relativity.  A simple frequency is nothing of and by itself.  But relate that frequency to another and we instantly have two separate entities locked together by a fixed interval between them.  This relationship is always expressed as a ratio or the relative values rigidly fixed in a given relationship known as an interval.  

These actions are held to be in certain and specific relations one to another.  It is fundamental to grasp the significance of this concept of relativity.  In an analysis of a simple hair comb which part, the teeth or the space between the teeth, is more important?  The teeth of the comb are the active parts - the part that does the work but without the spaces between the teeth the teeth would have no value whatsoever.  Just so with frequencies of vibration.  The frequency of a vibration is the active component within an environment but the importance of this frequency can only be derived from its action and interaction with other frequencies in that same environment.  This interaction with other frequencies is the embodiment of known natural laws of forces:  every force has or creates a reaction (Law of Polarity or Opposites),  two forces summed or differenced result in a third force or reaction (Law of Three).

A study of synthesized wave forms best explains the relationship between music and quantum physics as used by John Keely.  Among his legacy to us are a number of charts showing musical notations arranged according to his paradigm.  It has been discovered that these musical notes are placed so as to be synthesized into more complex wave forms.  Modern engineering recognizes the value of and uses harmonics of frequencies.  This is a doubling or halving of a given frequency as part of an analysis of vibratory phenomena (Keely's Law of Harmonic Vibrations)3.  Keely teaches us that there are many more relationships in vibrations than just the fundamental and its harmonics.  There are also Sixths, Thirds, Fourths and Sevenths as well as many others (Keely's Law of Harmonic Pitch4).  It is an established fact that several frequencies synthesized together form a complex wave form.  If concordant frequencies are merged we have one kind of vibratory force having specific characteristics.  If enharmonic frequencies are merged we have a different vibratory character.  These differences in character can be readily seen or heard in the differences between a trumpet's middle C and middle C sounded on a piano.  The fundamental is the same yet the chordal tone produced is altogether different.  The auditory and physiological impact on the human organism is altogether different also.  It is this difference that can be understood and applied to mechanical devices.  The vibratory tones of a string are more harmonious than the chord components of a brass instrument.  One can calm or bring quietude and the other can bring discord or activity.  Activated atomic particles can thus be created and used as a power source in a device once this association of frequencies is more fully understood.  When considering compositions of molecules it is assumed they all have the same component parts, i.e., electrons, photons, etc.  The basic differences are the number of these particles making up the aggregate and their individual orbit characteristics.  Since each one of these particles has a chord of composite frequencies it must therefore be safe to assume that the apparent differences between aggregates is the sum total or summed difference of their composite frequencies.

Within these 40 Laws of Harmony are the defined relationships between electricity, magnetism and gravity.  Keely demonstrated this relationship to be as thirds or 33 1/3, 66 2/3 and 100.  This relationship of forces he eventually applied to his inventions such that they operated without any apparent energy input.  By establishing the proper relationships of these three forces his equipment developed unheard of power and force.  Since these laws govern the very vibrations from which all material substances are built up they also therefore govern all material things.  Through their use Keely was able to liberate incredible forces of the atom in such a way that harmful and deleterious nuclear forces such as radioactivity were not evident or experienced.  All atomic and nuclear forces are measured in terms of frequency and these frequencies can be manipulated to either liberate forces or they can be modified to absorb or form into new products - transmutation, in other words.  This process does not require hugh energies as are found in common accelerator configurations or nuclear piles.  Nature is subtle and subtle means are required to awaken her energies.  This science demonstrates that all things are related and that the resultant effects of a relationship are a consequence of the characteristics of that relationship.  Thus no thing or function can exist in and by itself.  There must be an active force, a receptive force and a neutral zone or zones of communication between these two forces.

Herein lies the hidden power of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics as developed by John Keely.  A concordant waveform, composed of harmonic frequencies, tends to pull subatomic particles together.  On the other hand discordant waveforms will tend to split or explode the particle or aggregate.  A simple analogy is that of dynamite, a harmonious substance when at rest, one which is held together by the molecular and atomic component frequencies.  The introduction of a strong introductory impulse from a dynamite cap destroys it's homogeneous integrity and the component subatomic particles are liberated from their bonds.  Keely explained the relationship between matter and force thusly:

 "There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE.  FORCE is liberated matter. MATTER is force in bondage." Keely, 1893

This quote is a demonstration of an understanding of nuclear and atomic forces well before our much heralded and over-thought-of "Nuclear Age."  In our age we have begun to decipher the true relationships between matter and force.  We have a long way to go yet.

There is far too much knowledge to cover in this short paper.  We have yet to cover Keely's work with: acoustic levitation, water and mineral disintegration, cold steam, colors from sounds, telescope and microscope developments and his incredible work with healing mental illness with acoustical resonators.  It would take years of study and application to unravel the many mysteries of Keely's scientific discoveries.  So much of our current scientific thought is based on false premises that it will be years before the accepted paradigms are evolved sufficiently for a continuous and unhindered growth.  But even more difficult is the evolution of Man's spiritual and philosophical ideas.  If man's actions during this century are any indication - it may be that Steiner and Blavatsky were correct by saying it would be centuries before man could assume his true birthrights.

In America there are many individuals and companies working in some way with this new view of science.  It will not be long before we have practical functioning machines.  New techniques and new devices are constantly being developed that will allow even more work to be done with less work or energy.  It is now possible to acquire quite easily components and processes that employ the principles Keely demonstrated for us over 100 years ago.  These materials range from simple auditory devices to powerful and expensive instruments for testing and measuring vibratory phenomena.  They are becoming quite plentiful which leads me to assume it won't be long before many new and wondrous things are made manifest in the affairs of man.  These new devices and processes won't reflect all that will be done eventually - but will provide further foundations upon which we can build towards this new technology now open to us.  As part of my paper I am including Keely's forty Laws of Harmony as he left them to us.  Keely left these laws to mankind in the hope that one day man may create a better and more bountiful life for himself. The Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics has been publishing these laws and attempting to decipher them that they might be applied in the work of others.

All of you in this room are in some way working to develop this and other areas of science.  It is sincerely hoped that as you develop your particular field you will give thought to the imperative development of the philosophical, moral and spiritual growth of yourself and those around you.  Failure to create the proper individuals to handle these new forces you are about to release on mankind may prove to be our own undoing.

Keely's Definitions of His Own Terms

ATOMOLES are elementary units of matter uniform in size and weight, and exist in solid, liquid, gaseous, and isolated forms.

ATOMS are multiple combinations of atomoles, and they also exist in solid, liquid, gaseous, and isolated forms.

SIMPLE MOLECULES are formed by the union of two atoms of the same kind.

COMPOUND MOLECULES are unions of two atoms of dissimilar kind.

COMPLEX MOLECULES are unions of molecules with other molecules or atoms.

PITCH is the relative frequency of vibration.

VIBRATION is the rhythmical motion of a body within itself.

OSCILLATION is a rhythmically recurring translatory movement.

TRANSMISSIVE ENERGY is rhythmical motion of condensation and rarefaction produced by the vibrating or oscillating body in the medium in which it is immersed.

ATTRACTION is the mutual approach of aggregates caused by concentrated waves of harmonic energy, tending to move in line of least resistance, by becoming the center of one series of concentric waves instead of two or more series.

HARMONY is the simultaneous vibration of two or more bodies whose harmonics do not produce discords, and whose fundamental pitches are harmonics of the lowest pitch, or are a unison with the resultant notes or overtones, or undertones, of any two or more of them.

ETHER is an atomolic liquid 986,000 times the density of steel.

ELECTRICITY is the oscillation of the atomoles of an atom.

INDUCTION is the transmissive force of the electric vibration in ether.

MAGNETISM is the mutual attraction of juxtaposed bodies vibrating at unison or harmonic electric pitches.

GRAVITY is the mutual attraction of atomoles.

GRAVISM is the transmissive form through a medium of atomoles in the fourth state, or a medium composed of atomolini.

ATOMOLINI are ultimate units of atomoles, and when in a liquid state are the media for the transmission of gravism.  The illimitable divisibility and aggregation of matter is a logical sequence.

Keely's Forty Laws of Harmony

Law of Matter and Force

    "Coextensive and coeternal with space and duration, there exists an infinite and unchangeable quantity of atomoles, the base of all matter;  these are in a state of constant vibratory motion, infinite in extent, unchangeable in quantity, the initial of all forms of energy." Keely, 1894

Law of Corporeal Vibrations

    "All coherent aggregates when isolated from like bodies, or when immersed or confined in media composed of matter in a different state, vibrate at a given ascertainable pitch."
Keely, 1894

Law of Corporeal Oscillations

    "All coherent aggregates not isolated from like bodies, oscillate at a period-frequency corresponding to some harmonic ratio of the fundamental pitch of the vibrating body; this pitch is a multiple of the pitch of the atomole."
Keely, 1894

Law of Harmonic Vibrations

    "All coherent aggregates are perpetually vibrating at a period-frequency corresponding to some harmonic ratio of the fundamental pitch of the vibrating body; this pitch is a multiple of the pitch of the atomole."
Keely, 1894

Law of Transmissive Vibraic Energy

    "All oscillating and vibrating coherent aggregates create, in the media in which they are immersed, outwardly propagating concentric waves of alternate condensation and rarefaction, having a period-frequency identical with the pitch of the aggregate."
Keely, 1894

Law of Sympathetic Oscillation

    "Coherent aggregates immersed in a medium pulsating at their natural pitch simultaneously oscillate with the same frequency, whether the pitch of the medium be a unison, or any harmonic of the fundamental pitch of the creative aggregate."
Keely, 1894

Law of Attraction

    "Juxtaposed coherent aggregates vibrating in unison, or harmonic ratio, are mutually attracted."
Keely, 1894

Law of Repulsion

    "Juxtaposed coherent aggregates vibrating in discord are mutually repelled."
Keely, 1894

Law of Cycles

    "Coherent aggregates harmonically united constitute centers of vibration bearing relation to the fundamental pitch not multiples of the harmonic pitch, and the production of secondary unions between themselves generate pitches that are discords, either in their unisons, or overtones with the original pitch; from harmony is generated discord, the inevitable cause of perpetual transformation."
Keely, 1894

Law of Harmonic Pitch

    "Any aggregate in a state of vibration develops in addition to its fundamental pitch a series of vibration in symmetrical sub-multiple portions of itself, bearing ratios of one, two, three, or more times its fundamental pitch."
Keely, 1894

Law of Force

    "Energy manifests itself in three forms: Creative, the vibrating aggregate; Transmissive, being the propagation of isochronous waves through the media in which it is immersed; Attractive, being its action upon other aggregates capable of vibrating in unisons or harmony."
Keely, 1894

Law of Oscillating Atomic Substances

    "Coherent atomic substances are capable of oscillating at a pitch varying directly as the density, and inversely as the linear dimensions from one period of frequency per unit of time to the 21st octave above, producing the creative force of Sonity, whose transmissive force (Sound) is propagated through the media of solids, liquids, and gases, and whose static effect (Sonism) produces attractions and repulsions between sympathetically vibrating bodies according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion."
Keely, 1894

Law of Sono-thermity

    "Internal vibrations of atomic substances and atomic molecules are capable of vibrating at a period-frequency directly as their density, inversely as their linear dimensions, directly as the coefficient of their tension from the 21st to the 42nd octaves, producing the creative force (Sono-thermity), whose transmissive force (Sono-therm) is propagated in solid, liquid, gaseous, and ultra-gaseous media, statically producing adhesions and molecular unions, or disintegration, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion."                    Keely, 1894

Law of Oscillating Atoms

    "All atoms when in a state of tension are capable of oscillating at a pitch inversely as the cube of their atomic weights, and directly as their tension from 42 to 63 octaves per second, producing the creative force (Thermism), whose transmissive force (Rad-energy) propagated in solid, liquid, and gaseous ether, produces the static effects (Cohesion and Chemism) on other atoms of association, or dissociation, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion.
Scholium: Dark radiant heat begins at absolute zero temperature, and extends through light, chemical rays, actinic rays, and infra-violet rays, up to the dissociation of all molecules to the 63rd octave."
Keely, 1894

Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances

    "Atoms are capable of vibrating within themselves at a pitch inversely as the Dyne (the local coefficient of Gravity), and as the atomic volume, directly as the atomic weight, producing the creative force (Electricity), whose transmissive force is propagated through atomolic solids, liquids, and gases, producing induction and the static effect of magnetism upon other atoms of attraction or repulsion, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion.
Scholium:  The phenomenon of Dynamic Electricity through a metallic conductor and of induction are identical.  In a metallic conductor, the transmission is from atom to atom, through homologous interstices, filled with ether, presenting small areas in close proximity.  In crystalline structures, heat, which expands the atoms, by twisting twisting them produces striae, increases the resistance, etc.  Between parallel wires and through air the induction takes place from large areas through a rarefied medium composed of a mixture of substances, whose atoms are separated by waves of repulsion of various pitches, discordant to electric vibrations; the said atoms sympathetically absorb the vibrations and dissipate from themselves, as centers, concentric waves of electric energy which produces heat and gravism."
Keely, 1894

Law of Oscillating Atomoles

    "Atomoles oscillating at a uniform pitch (determined by their uniform size and weight) produce the creative force Atomolity, whose transmissive form, Gravism, is propagated through more rarefied media, producing the static effect upon all other atomoles, denominated Gravity."
Keely, 1894

Law of Transformation of Forces

    "All forces are different forms of Universal Energy unlike in their period-frequency, merging into each other by imperceptible increments; each form representing the compass of 21 octaves.  Each form or pitch may be transformed into an equivalent quantity of another pitch above or below it in the scale of 105 octaves.  The transformation can occur only through its static effect, developing vibrations of harmonic pitches above or below their fundamental vibration, or developing with juxtaposed aggregates, resultant and difference, or third order, as the case may be.
Scholium:  A table of the intervals and harmonics of the normal harmonic scale will indicate the ratios in which the transformation of forces will occur."
Keely, 1894

Law of Atomic Pitch

    "Atoms have each a different and definite pitch, at which they naturally vibrate.
Scholium:  Atomic pitch is determined directly from its simple spectrum.
Scholium:  Atomic pitch is determined by computations from its associate spectrum with all other atoms, as in known spectra.
Scholium:  Atomic pitches are more important working data than atomic weights; tables of atomic pitches must be precise."
Keely, 1894

Law of Variation of Atomic Pitch by Rad-energy

    "The higher harmonics and overtones of projected rad-energy are of a pitch sufficiently high to cause the atom to expand; by causing the atomoles to vibrate systematically the same influence will cause the atom to contract, and thus by changing the volume, atomic pitch is varied."
Keely, 1894

Law of Variation of Atomic Pitch by Electricity and Magnetism

    "Electricity and Magnetism produce internal vibrations in the atom, which are followed by proportional changes in volume and, therefore, pitch."
Keely, 1894

Law of Variation of Atomic Pitch by Temperature

    "Atoms in chemical combination oscillate with increasing amplitude directly as the temperature, and simultaneously absord overtones of higher harmonics, producing expansion of volume and diminution of pitch.
Rule:  The gradual approach of the temperature of harmonic combination can be observed by mutually comparing superimposed spectra; chemical combination commences when the fundamental lines of each spectrum bear harmonic ratios  by linear measurement."
Keely, 1894

Law of Pitch of Atomic Oscillation

    "Atoms not isolated and in a state of tension between forces that oppose and increase the equilibrium oscillate bodily at a pitch that is a resultant of the atomic weight, atomic volume, and tension."
Keely, 1894

Law of Variation of Pitch of Atomic Oscillation by Pressure

    "The frequency of atomic oscillation increases and diminishes inversely as the square of the pressure."
Keely, 1894

Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Temperature

    "The force of cohesion diminishes inversely as the square of the distance the atoms are apart, and the force of the chemical affinity diminishes in the same ratio.  Heat increases the amplitude of the oscillations in a diret ratio to the temperature of the natural scale.
Scholium:  New thermometers and accurate thermometric tables, on the natural base, wherein doubling the temperature doubles the pitch of the transmissive energy, are required.  Such a table of temperature will bear natural relations to atomic weights, pitches, specific heats, chemical affinities, fusions, solubilities, etc., and will disclose new laws.  One table for each must be constructed."
Keely, 1894

Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Electricity

    "The electric current destroys cohesion and chemical tension directly as square of current in amperes, inversely as the resistance in ohms, inversely as the chemical equivalent, and conversely as the coefficient of the difference between the freezing and volatilizing temperature of mass acted upon."
Keely, 1894

Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Sono-thermism

    "Diminishes the tensions directly as the quantity of heat developed, and in antithetical proportion to the harmonics absolved." Keely, 1894

Law of Chemical Affinity

    "Atoms whose atomic pitches are in either unison, harmonic or concordant ratios, unite to form molecules.
Corollary:  When two atoms are indifferent, they may be made to unite by varying the pitch of either, or both.
Scholium:  This necessitates the construction of tables, representing variation of atomic pitches by temperature, pressure, etc.
Scholium:  Tables of all harmonics and concords, and harmonics founded upon a normal harmonic scale, are equally essential.
Scholium:  Optical instruments may be made to measure pitches of energy."
Keely, 1894

Law of Chemical Dissociation

    "If the pitch of either atom, in a molecule, be raised or lowered; or, if they both be unequally raised or lowered in pitch until the mutual ratio be that of a discord; or, if the oscillation amplitude be augmented by heat until the atoms are with the concentric waves of attraction, - the atoms will separate."
Keely, 1894

Law of Chemical Transposition

    "New molecules must be harmonics of the fundamental pitch."
Keely, 1894

Law of Chemical Substitution

(too complex for brief statement)
Keely, 1894

Law of Catalysis

    "The presence of harmonics and discords."
Keely, 1894

Law of Molecular Synthesis and Combination (Organic)

    "The molecular pitch must be a derived harmony of the radicals.
Scholium:  Reconstruction of electric units to represent pitches and amplitudes."
Keely, 1894

Law of Chemical Morphology

    "The angle of crystallization is determined by the relation between the molecular pitch of the crystalizing substance to the variation-density of the liquid depositing it."
Keely, 1894

Law of Atomic Dissociation

    "Overtones of high rad-energy pitches produce separation of the atomoles and recombinations among the atomolic molecules of the atoms."
Keely, 1894

Law of Atomolic Synthesis of Chemical Elements

    "Harmonic pitches of atomolity produce association of etheric-atomolic particles to form atoms;  the kind of atom is determinable by the pitches employed."
Keely, 1894

Law of Heat

    "Atoms under the tension of chemical combination oscillate with an amplitude directly as the temperature, inversely as the pressure, and as the square of the specific heat.  Diminishing the pitch of oscillation inversely as the square of the distance of the atoms apart, and simultaneously increasing the vibrating pitch of the atom by absorption of overtones and higher harmonics."
Keely, 1894

Law of Electro-Chemical Equivalents

    "An atom vibrates sympathetically under the influence of electric energy, such undertones of which are absorbed as are a harmonic or harmony of the electric pitch; the amount of energy absorbed being directly as the arithmetical ratio of the undertone of the fundamental electric pitch.
    Scholium: A table of electro-chemical equivalents on the normal basis will indicate the electrical conditions and amount of chemical change."
Keely, 1894

Law of Cohesion

    "The cohesion between atoms diminishes directly as the square root of the pressure and temperature, and as the square of electric intensity."
Keely, 1894

Law of Refractive Indices

    "A table of the refractive indices of substances indicates their molecular pitch; and in connection with crystalline form the phase of molecular oscillation."
Keely, 1894

Law of Electric Conductivity

    "Electric energy is transmitted through homogeneous bodies with a completeness in direct proportion as the atoms are more or less perfect harmonics of the electric pitch, but not at all through substances whose atoms are discordant to the electric pitch; also through molecular substances, when their resultant notes are harmonics of the electric pitch, - the transmissions being inversely as the temperature, directly as the density diminished in proportion to the amount of crystallization, and inversely as the cube of the dyne, also directly as the reciprocal of the local magnetic intensity."
Keely, 1894
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