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Nikola Tesla and His Works
Laudatory article reviewing Tesla's impact on science and society. Pages: 7 P0033488 $1.25

Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine with Tesla's original patents
This is a manual on Nikola Tesla's original Earthquake Machine, the device Tesla called his "greatest achievement in the field of engineering". This machine is capable of attaining self-resonance and multiplying its own power. Manual contains the original patents and complete history of Tesla's experience as well as articles, lectures, theory of operation and construction blue prints for building an actual working unit. Also includes drawings and theory for a low-temperature phase change Solar Energy device developed by Dale Pond using Tesla's Oscillator as the core mechanism. This device is a synthesis of Tesla, Keely, Vortex, Carnot, Lee and contemporary engineering. If you've been waiting for hands-on building plans - this is it. Color photos available: see item PIC1298. This book replaces Tele-Geodynamics. 8.5" X 11" 145 pages. ISBN 1-57282-008-X Pages: 145 B0010992 $16.95

Tesla High Frequency Coil
One of the original books detailing the construction and uses of a 12" Tesla Coil. Contains 56 illustrations and step-by-step instructions. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 65 P0241194 $7.95

Tesla Oscillator
"The so-called Oscillator" was near to a practical working form when the fire occurred, and as this machine, in a less finished shape, had been exhibited at the Chicago Exposition, and has received a large share of his attention since that time, he has considerately given the public some photographs and details of the more advanced forms of this engine. Tesla's researches and inventions have heretofore been confined to purely electrical problems, and electricians were naturally expecting a continuation of such work, but this inventor appears to delight in surprises, and when the Oscillator was announced for the first time, the general conelusion that Tesla had contrived some way of shaking the earth's electric charge, or had made some other ultra scientific step of a like character, was far from the truth." Review of the Tesla Oscillator (earthquake machine) and its significance to science and society. Also gives some detail as to its workings and why it is so important. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 6 P0032488 $1.15

Tesla Oscillator (pdf)
Digital version of the hardcopy edition. eBook, pdf format. Viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Password and access information emailed to you when payment received. Pages: 6 pdf32488 $.75

Tesla Oscillator Photos (Earthquake Machine)
Color photos (4" x 6") of the Tesla Oscillator actually built by Walter Baumgartner. These are close-up detail photos of the outside and inside of the earthquake machine. Full color and sharp. These images facilitate the construction of the model in the Tesla Earthquake Machine book: see item B0010992 Pages: PIC1298 $30

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