Re: Walking on water

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 16:13:47 -0600

Hi Folks!

Got this interesting email response that I am posting as
anonymous to the list;

> You wrote:
> Re: Walking on water
> From: Jerry W. Decker
> Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 16:57:22
> ================================================
> Hi Folks!
> Now that the subject has arisen, the trance state of the
> Lung-Gom-Pa comes to mind as a means to reduce weight which
> could allow walking on water; which brings up the related claim of
> levitation by Simon Magus when he was reported to have flown over
> the city of Rome. I found a document a few years ago claiming to
> be a translation by his followers of how he accomplished the
> flight over the city. It had to do with breathing the air closest to the
> earth for a period of time.
> The idea being that the earth was more electrically negative
> and so would suffuse the body and the cells with negatively
> charged air which, by virtue of like charges repelling would
> cause repulsion and reduce weight, allowing him to vault
> into the air and fly as long as his body was repellent to
> the earth.
> Numerous incidents of levitation have been recorded in
> Christianity and Islam. Etc, etc, etc.
> =================================================

> Wow. That is really something!
> Do you suppose there may have been "drugs" used during Simon
> Magus' alleged "levitation"? What I mean is, Jerry, that that is the
> most fantastic story I've ever heard.
> " I found a document..". What exactly do you mean? Have you
> tried it? Were you able to levitate? How long is a "period of time"?
> Where is the evidence?
> Your quite a story teller, Jerry! Quite a story teller indeed.

It was a document either in a book or on the web, but I
think it was in a book.
The idea isn't mine about the negative thing, its what the
article said....there are numerous references to Simon Magus
on the net and even the mythical bible says many people
witnessed Magus they must have been more Jim
Jones coolaid converts, but using hallucinogens.....I wasn't
there so I don't know.

My goal is to look for patterns from many disparate sources
and approaches, all with the end result of coming up with
experiments that people can test for themselves...

It would seem this earth sniffing business would be simple
enough to try...foolish as it might sound....I see no reason
why air of a certain polarity, breathed over a period of
time, would not naturally suffuse the cells and could
produce some kind of effect...but I've not done it...

Like electrical charges do repel, electrons do repel, the
earth is GENERALLY thought to be electro negative, which is
why they call it ground, it is known that the higher you go
in the air, the greater the voltage increases...a positive
increase measured using the ground as a using that train of logic that I find no
error with, it could be possible that a person could be come

Wait til you see my book...<g>....just thinking about
it...but it might be fun...the ultimate BS book....but a
very few might be willing to try different things and see
what happens...thats how amazing discoveries are
made...closed minds never grow or learn....and I'm a
cesspool of open mindedness when it comes to something I can

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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