Re: Time to give up? I think not..

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 16:23:03 -0600

Hi Jim et al!

It must have come only to you as I didn't get any such
attachment from the list.
It is always a very good idea not to open anything you
weren't expecting or from someone you don't know....I have
deleted greeting cards and all kinds of unsolicited or
unexpected attachments....even from people I know who are
copying something from someone who sent it to them.....

Some of the virus programs like Happy99 install themselves
so that every post you make through your email will generate
another post with that file in it.
People then think you sent it to them so open it up....uh,
uh, ain't gonna happen. If its that priceless, they'll have
to tell me about it beforehand or provide some background as
to its validity and interest...too much crap out there as it

Sounds like this guy needs to be reported to Yahoo
abuse/spam so they will cancel his account. Sounds like he
targeted you as it did not come through the list.

"Jim Shaffer, Jr." wrote:
> Jerry, we have a problem. After I posted that message, I got a reply from
> saying
> > account auto-reply:
> >
> > ' I'll try to reply as soon as possible.
> > Take a look to the attachment and send me your opinion! '
> Attached was a 102K file named "billgt.exe" that I have no
> intention of running. I don't have a virus scanner (because
> I don't run untrusted files), so I have no idea if it's
> something malicious or just a joke, but he still shouldn't be
> auto-sending it to Keelynet users. I don't know what Yahoo
> account he might be subscribed under, because all the headers
> indicated the Myanmar address.
> Really, I don't even know if Yahoo offers the ability to
> send an attachment through an autoresponder -- it seems like
> such a stupid thing to do -- or whether it's an attempt to
> misdirect for people too stupid to look at the message headers.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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