Walking on water

Tue, 4 Jan 2000 08:00:19 EST

Hi Jerry et al:

Jerry wrote:
>>I've always thought that if gravity could be reduced
sufficiently in mass we could easily walk, skate or glide
across water. Of course, choppy, high waves could be a
problem but the idea has always intruged me.

Talk about a neat way to prove that your gravity control or
reduction machine works...<g>..just walk across any water
surface without any preparation and then when you hit land,
jump about 50 feet into the air...that would be a hard to
deny demonstration.

Yes, that would be hard to deny, and quite sensational, but perhaps very

Could open one up to being burned at the stake by religious fundamentalists,
or fanatics!

Challenging the likes of those who manage to get schools to not teach
evolutionary ideas, and findings about age of the planet, etc., could
seriously backfire for the "walker".

Just some practical thoughts - perhaps a little less sensational would be
safer - there are many who think nothing of resorting to drastic means to
defend their beliefs!

And don't forget how many wars are fought, or conflicts perpetuated by
religious beliefs.

And to illustrate the idea: if one had a matter duplicator - it would be one
thing to duplicate a block of graphite, or even a bar of gold; But a basket
of bread and fish would be just as risky as a water walk!

Us talking monkeys (apes) do not seem to respond well to upsetting long held
beliefs too radically - or quickly.


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