Re: ARDA Mk3 :GREAT EVENT !!!, The POB test in a closed run

Slavek Krepelka ( )
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 11:14:51 -0500


Slavek. wrote:

> Dear All,
> GREAT EVENT - Dec 4th, 1999 - "The Power On Board" test in a closed run :
> The "Power On Board" test (POB test) in a closed run is a new great step for
> the ARDA Project. The purpose of this test is to prove that a Biefeld-Brown
> effect flying wing is able to generate its OWN THRUST with its power supply
> "on board" and disconnected from the ground. This proves definitely that the
> ARDA Concept is real and can be applied on a full scale craft.
> In the previous POB test done on November 27th, 1999, the ARDA Mk3 did run
> only a half turn successfully during two tests due to the lack of space for a
> full turn. This new test has been conducted in a wider area (a hangar) which
> allows a full turn in closed loop without problem.
> The "Power On Board" test has been done successfully on December 4th, 1999 (
> 16h00 )...
> Two full closed run tests have been done successfully.
> There is no motor, no moving parts and the fly is done silently.
> You will all pictures, datas and videos at :
> Best Regards
> Jean-Louis Naudin
> Email:
> Overunity Web site:
> eGroup:
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