ARDA Mk3 :GREAT EVENT !!!, The POB test in a closed run
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 06:15:06 EST

Dear All,

GREAT EVENT - Dec 4th, 1999 - "The Power On Board" test in a closed run :

The "Power On Board" test (POB test) in a closed run is a new great step for
the ARDA Project. The purpose of this test is to prove that a Biefeld-Brown
effect flying wing is able to generate its OWN THRUST with its power supply
"on board" and disconnected from the ground. This proves definitely that the
ARDA Concept is real and can be applied on a full scale craft.

In the previous POB test done on November 27th, 1999, the ARDA Mk3 did run
only a half turn successfully during two tests due to the lack of space for a
full turn. This new test has been conducted in a wider area (a hangar) which
allows a full turn in closed loop without problem.

The "Power On Board" test has been done successfully on December 4th, 1999 (
16h00 )...

Two full closed run tests have been done successfully.
There is no motor, no moving parts and the fly is done silently.

You will all pictures, datas and videos at :

Best Regards
Jean-Louis Naudin
Overunity Web site:

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