Sun, 5 Dec 1999 10:13:09 EST

Hi folks,

After some intensive learning and work, I have succeeded in creating a web
site detailing the Theory and dedicated to sharing the ongoing experimental
and conceptual work in this area of research.

It is still a "work in progress" and by no means complete. In fact I have
only completed the Basic Theory section, and the Overview of Evidence and

The Theory section is complete enough, I believe, to share with this
discussion group at this time. And I will be completing more chapters on
actual experiments/results, as well as Advanced Topics/Further Research, as
time permits.

There will be a section or sections detailing the large number of
correlations and similarities with other work as well. (I have a small
mountain of info piled up in my little office at home, and need to sort
through it and place it in some semblance of order)

There are a number of reasons for creating this E-Book at this time: (it may
be a little premature in that I don't have it all assembled yet)

1. Sharing knowledge freely (helps others, and ends up increasing one's own
understanding - the act of condensing it and attempting to explain it simply
and concisely has given a number of new insights)

2. Feedback from others - works as a reality check to insure against self
delusion, or critical errors in fact or logic; and others may find even more
links or evidence to further the understanding.

3. I have a strong "gut" feeling that some either are or are close to
harnessing this Primary Energy - and as such wish to offer some new
perspective which might be of benefit - as well as outlining some potentially
serious dangers of proceeding to quickly, without adequate safety precautions.

In addition, I personally believe that if one cannot explain something in
relatively simple terms, and in more than one way, then that individual does
not have a very thorough or complete understanding of the subject. So this
exercise is also to test my understanding - and to hone or improve upon the
clarity and completeness of the descriptions of the Theory.

One area which I have not yet found a suitable place to discuss within the
body of the E-Book, is that the concept of "SCALAR WAVES" as best defined by
Beardon, have been very helpful, and may in fact be describing the same or
similar concepts I am putting forward (different names do not matter - I
don't care if you call it peanut butter - it still works and is there)

More specifically, Beardon describes a difference between a "natural" scalar
wave or wave form, and an "artificail" one. Both are linked to normal (3D)
EM waves, and are somewhat interchangeable - that is certain configurations
of scalar waves result in EM waves, and likewise certain configurations or EM
can also create of modify the Scalar. He and others do attribute some sort
of "higher dimensional" component to these phenomenon.

Just mentioning this because to keep it simple (KISS), I did not adequately
or completely cover the linkage or interrelationship between EM and this
Primary Energy. Keeping them separate at first is much easier to understand.
(this will be addressed in more advanced topics section)

Anyway enough with the preamble, here is the URL:
( )

I will be happy to receive any feedback, and I hope you enjoy it (it is at
least mildly entertaining reading)



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