Re: ARDA Mk3 :GREAT EVENT !!!, The POB test in a closed run

SWB ( )
Mon, 06 Dec 1999 00:55:21 -0500


I must ask: Is there going to be a significant amount of Ozone produced
by this power plant; assuming you CAN make it the size required to
propel a large aircraft?

Here is why I ask: Quite some time ago I was looking for a co-inventor,
who might be able to help me develop a circuit to accomplish the
movement of air, and ion field generation. Actually, I was wanting to
further explore the fundamentals behind, and the possibilities for
increasing the power to certain circuits I had seen articles on. One of
the articles can be found here:

(The technology that you are using involves essentially the same
processes as described in this article; does it not? The applications
appear much different physically; but aren't they both accelerating the
air via the creation of very strong ion fields?)

Eventually, I found this one guy on the newsgroups; who I thought, at
first had every intention of helping me in my research. It turns out
that his prime motivation in life was to find people he could try to
crush emotionally, by lording his superior intellect over theirs.

He promptly berated me, by saying that I had no business researching
this field; because, I didn't even know enough to know, that devices
like this would produce Ozone. He was apparently more concerned with the
little bit of Ozone pollution, which a practical application of this
technology would produce; rather than in the extreme reduction in
sulfur, CO2, and other 'particulate matter' pollution, which would be
the result of using this method of air travel.

I never even responded to him again. Even if he had the technical
expertise that I was looking for; he certainly didn't have the
personality, tact, or common sense that I wanted in a partner. He never
even bothered to find out, that the devices which I had in mind, could
have performed their function in a closed environment; and could have
produced Ozone all day long, without one molecule ever finding it's way
into the atmosphere!

Anyway, he may or may not have had some valid point to make; even if I
didn't need to hear it from him.

So, how much Ozone would this technology produce? And, in this political
climate in which we currently find ourselves, (where the Al Gores of
this world rule), will governments ever approve it's widespread use?
(Military applications, are another matter, seeing as they don't mind
polluting things up themselves. We little people just aren't competent
enough to pollute as well as they do!)

_________________________________________________________________________________ wrote:
> Dear All,
> GREAT EVENT - Dec 4th, 1999 - "The Power On Board" test in a closed run :
> The "Power On Board" test (POB test) in a closed run is a new great step for
> the ARDA Project. The purpose of this test is to prove that a Biefeld-Brown
> effect flying wing is able to generate its OWN THRUST with its power supply
> "on board" and disconnected from the ground. This proves definitely that the
> ARDA Concept is real and can be applied on a full scale craft.
> In the previous POB test done on November 27th, 1999, the ARDA Mk3 did run
> only a half turn successfully during two tests due to the lack of space for a
> full turn. This new test has been conducted in a wider area (a hangar) which
> allows a full turn in closed loop without problem.
> The "Power On Board" test has been done successfully on December 4th, 1999 (
> 16h00 )...
> Two full closed run tests have been done successfully.
> There is no motor, no moving parts and the fly is done silently.
> You will all pictures, datas and videos at :
> Best Regards
> Jean-Louis Naudin
> Email:
> Overunity Web site:
> eGroup:
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