RE: False Hopes due to Liars and Scamsters!

Euejin Jeong ( )
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 08:57:02 -0500

Hi All,

I'm not quite sure if Jerry's philosophy is for everyone. Is it a scam and
a false hope that you will go to heaven after you die by believing God and
his redemption promised by the Christian belief because there is no
scientific proof for that? For the parents who lost their child, the time
travel could have been their only hope that will possibly get back their
child according to their belief based on currently imagined scientific
materials by people. I believe the Universe is stranger than we can imagine
and the time travel may be possible someday if not now although my
educational background roars in the back of my ear that it's not possible.
For the purpose of this forum, open mindedness would not hurt too much. The
prangsters may get some money and the parents may get some temporary
emotional relief which may or may not worth it. Besides, who would get into
such scam if you are not desperate enough to wanting to believe anything?
The development of the science is based on imagination not on the present
reality. I believe the reality is what we create by our technology.
Remember until the early 20 century flying air space was not in the domain
of reality in human mind. My limited thinking makes me believe that there
is the violation of causality by the backward time travel therefore it
shouldn't be possible. But who said the causality is the absolute law of
the nature?