2. forward from Energy21 Newsgroup

Sun, 12 Sep 1999 16:35:11 +0200

My previous mail to Steve:

Hi Steve,
thanks a lot for providing your Video. I have some
1. Did you try to feed the Motor with the
(rectified) output ?
2. Is the Device shown at the Video your only one
prototype ?
3. If no, will you sell your prototype to me, if i
bet a fair price ?
4. Where does the magnet come from - i have never
seen such a form ?
5. I started to build my own device with different
design, but same principle - would you help me to
avoid wrong design if i send you my drawings ?

Steves reply:
1. Where did you get the tape?
Answer: From your link:
2. When you understand what is being done and how
it is being done. You will know the answer to
your first and last question.
Answer: I worked very hard until yet, but the
secret is only partially understood, yet :-)
3. The magnet on the first prototype came from a
magnetron tube on ship radar. The other magnets
were special order. Any manufacture can make
Answer: I will search for a manufactury in Germany

Steve, as i mentioned above, i worked very hard.
Now( 09/12/99 4:00pm) i am finished to build my
version of your device, wich can be seen at your
link. I worked the whole weekend (23 hours) to get
ready. My device looks better than yours at the
video (pictures following next week), but the
efficency is not so good. One hour ago i started
my first measurement: My motor has an efficency of
84% (Graupner). During operation at 6 Volt he
consumed ca. 10 Ampere wich is an input of ca. 60
Watt. I used several coils (reassembled
transformators). The best result had a coil with
38 Ohm. The Output was 2Volt, 10ma at ca. 100
Hertz :-((
But this was the first test under bad conditions:
1. I was not able to vary the rotation speed to
search for resonance ...
2. The air gap of the rotor had to be adjusted to
20 mm, because the motor is not strong enough ...
3. I used very weak ferrite block magnets (2
pieces with 10x20x40mm ) ...
4. I used a standard Voltmeter, no (true)RMS
Next plans:
1. I will use a bigger motor.
2. I will use a variable voltage supply.
3. I will use Neodym magnets.
4. I will use the shortest possible air gap.
5. I will use an oszi to measure the output.
Any further suggestions ?

Next maesurements will be available at 09/16/99
(next week), because i am not at home until then.

so long
Olaf Berens

PS: I recognised an interesting effect: As i slow
down the motor 40% to 70% (inserted a resistor)
the voltage decreases but the amperage increases -
the output power was nearly the same. Suggestions?