Re: Gravitys Equal Pull

Warren York ( )
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 22:41:27 -0500

I just received this e-mail from Eugen Negut. It is along the same
question you asked below. I did not ask him any question about this but
still it is right in line with what you had asked me. I will share his
comment. I don't see that much of a difference than what I was trying
to say but I'll let you all be the judge on that. Warren
Brian Feeney wrote:

> I'm trying to separate in this question the electrons coalessing to form an
> atom vs the fundamental and "universal" gravitational attaction that is
> apparant in all things material.
Eugen Negut wrote Warren:

Dear Sir,
The whole technical civilization of 20th century is based on Maxwell's
equations. The electric generator and motor, radio and television they
are all governed by Maxwell's equations. But somebody said that these
equations are not valid inside the atom and nobody tryed to verify if
this is true.The study of Maxwell's equations was limited only to the
solutions that represent the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
A complete analysis of the properties of relativistic motions shows
that these motions are described by a precise system of equations and
identities. The motion of matter in Universe being a relativistic one,
it satisfyes a particular case of these equations and this one is
nothing else but Maxwell's equations in a new shape that evidentiates
two terms ignored untill now. One of those terms is linked to
gravitation and the other one to quantum mechanics. So, Maxwell's
equations become the new general law of matter's motion and
distribution in Universe. They are at the same time homogeneous and
non-linear. The theory of relativity can be reformulated on the basis
of two principles:
-the dilation of signals' duration and
-the uniform flow of own time,
principles that eliminate the paradoxes and contradictions in Einstein's
theory. Hoping that these results will interest you,
Yours truly,