Re: Gravitys Equal Pull

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 23:45:11 -0500

Hi Warren et al!

Can you guys please relate to something in the way of experiment or
hypothetical devicet, rather than estoeric theories with no connection
to any kind of eventual hardware. These kinds of threads I hoped would
die out but I see they will just keep happening if I don't say or do
something to bring them back to focus for this list.....the posts I've
been seeing don't belong here, but more properly at;

Don't know if there is a correlation, I'm checking, but we went from
345 people down to about 330 since the list got off on pet theories that
offer nothing with regard to tie-ins (urls), correlation or eventual

Can we get back to something USEFUL and interesting, the list HAD been
growing, now people seem to be resenting this stuff poppin up in their
mailbox and just dropping out.

If theories are your main interest, I suggest you just post a brief
abstract to the URL and let those who are interested GO THERE to read
what is already available in total, rather than jamming it in peoples
boxes here, most are here for diverse alt science information that is of
use or thought provoking, not to get stuck on theory....

Who cares what electrons and protons are made of? It can't be proven
and I really hate to open up new mail hoping for something interesting
that relates to free energy, gravity control or electronic health, only
to find another post about things we can't possibly prove. It also
winds up in the archive, making them bigger and bigger with way more
noise than signal.

If thats your focus, please post something saying you are looking for
discussion on such and such a theory and let people who like that kind
of stuff discuss it between themselves, not be jamming it in everyone
elses mailbox.


--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187