Re: Gravitys Equal Pull

Warren York ( )
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 22:10:23 -0500

Hello again Mr. Feeney:
After re-reading your message and my reply, I feel I did not address
your exact question. I will try and clear some things up about the
Brian Feeney wrote:
> Hello Warren,
> In light of the above description of gravity, how do two bodies or electrons
> attract toward one another. The pull gravity you are describing seems to be
> a closed loop inside or coinsident with the electron. If two electrons are
> in some proximaty to one another (I don't beleive distance is a governing
> factor) and the gravity mechanism is the two parallel TIME Flow lines as
> descibed above seeking to close the gap inside the electron, hense gravity,
> what is the interaction mechanism that causes the second electron (or body
> mass) to move toward the first electron.
> I'm trying to separate in this question the electrons coalessing to form an
> atom vs the fundamental and "universal" gravitational attaction that is
> apparant in all things material.
Warren writes:
The difference between the two is the charge factor of the electron. The
charge (electron in motion) prevents the gravity factor from pulling
everything into the center while the mass of the center of the atom
the electron in check or orbit. There are two forces taking place. The
electromagnetic (or charge) and gravity. This is why atoms form with
electrons as orbits. This is also the exchange link with the outside
(ion's) Now at the center of the atom it is universal gravitation
which has to do with TIME. That should be a little clearer I hope.
Brian writes:
> Maybe you could outline a brief description of some of your ideas on what
> the relationship between the photon and space time are. Any comments on the
> single photon idea and your ideas on 'all that is' much appreciated.
> Thank you for your remarks.
> Cheers
> Brian
Warren writes:
I have in my 1994 paper on TIME but I will recap real fast again.
The photon is part of Space/Time itself. It is a little ball of Space
(Distance/TIME). A coil of the space fabric made up of wave packets.
This is an energy state and has no substance or rest mass. It has
properties which are fluidic.

Tom Davidson said it quite nicely in a round about manner without
Photon: many "wave packet"('s) "of limited extent by superposition of
different frequencies."

Unwind the coil (the photon) of Space/Distance (Composite TIME)into
scattered wave packets and you will have only Space/Time once again
known as the Continuum. Warren