Re: Stuff..comments..

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 08:29:24 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ken et al!

Hey now, don't kill the messenger...I didn't explain
any of it as well as he did....that's why I'm trying
to get him to email some papers.

I'll wait for his papers and quote them direct, he was
just expressing his theories, as far as I could tell,
not facts. He is currently working on what he says
will be a self running magnetic device based on his
own observations.

He said with regard to that device, he was trying to
determine the spacing and angles of the magnets but he
wouldn't go into detail.

He also went into this interesting description about
why the earth is electronegative...let me see, I've
slept since then..<g>...he said if you put magnets on
a wheel so that only one pole is facing outward, spin
that wheel so the flux lines cut a coil of wire, it
will light a bulb with NEGATIVELY charged current, it
doesn't matter if it is South or North as long as it
spins in the same direction. There was more and this
isn't new but he was trying to explain WHY the earth
is negative, at the time, he made a good point but I'm
not recalling all his points exactly.

He said the earth functions like that to produce
negative charges. I'm wanting to say a spinning
magnetic interior that induces negative charges in the
mass of the earth but I'd much prefer his own words.

He also said you can measure a potential in millivolts
between the hands of a person and that depending on
whether they were left or right handed, the polarity
would differ.

He said he put his nephew in the corner of a room
holding the probes of a multimeter that shows a
negative millivolt reading.

He and one of his nephews friends went into another
part of the house and told the nephew to watch the
meter. He and the kid begin laughing at his nephew
and thinking about him. During that short period, he
said his nephew reported that the meter level went
from a negative millivolt reading to a positive
millivolt reading.

I told him about Cleve Backsters 'primary perception'
as tested with plants, where metal plates are clamped
to a leaf and the electrical output is amplified with
a high gain circuit. Cleve found that if you are near
the plant and think about burning or otherwise
mutilating it with a cigarette or knife...the
electrical signals across the leaf will go nuts in
response. He and others have tested this at a
distance of up to 20 miles on a plant that he watered
and took care of.

For more complex systems such as humans it was found
that oral leukocytes which can live up to 8 hours
outside the body, continued to communicate with the
body with no physical contact, tested up to 5 miles
away. Cleve thinks it could be used for remote
monitoring of physiological conditions and when we
talked, he said about $50,000 would let him do the
full tests that he has in mind for the effect, which
would lead to new technology.

I'm hoping this Ulrich guy will send the papers and
perhaps join the list to answer questions as they are
his theories and contentions. I was looking for
correlations with what he was saying and found a few.

I don't think he ever heard of zpe/aether/push gravity
or some other things that we eventually talked about
(it was a long call).

If he decides to join the list and/or post some
papers, then you can read it in his own words rather
than my error prone phone report....I'm not to the
point of taping phone calls, even for this, but I do
try to take notes if its something important...

There is so much that is either erroenous or outright
unknown factually and repeatably that I'm still open
to theories, though I'd prefer a working
device...because its hard to dispute hardware...


Please respond to
as I am writing from my work email of!
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