
Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 08:27:30 -0400

Got to rant some also...

>Big Bang
How anyone could believe in "life" from a big beyound
me. IMHO Pure science does not allow for God and "HAS" to explain
everything in terms of Physics and science (3D world). AND the
word SCIENCE almost DEFIES God!

>Gravity as caused by Gases
>He says it is compression of gases that create gravity. That the gases
>have different densities so that the lightest ones are further out
>towards space. That an experiment was done on either the shuttle or
>space station where they took a hollow ball, filled it with a mixture of
>gases under pressure, the added some dirt or sand. In space the
>dirt/sand centered itself in the sphere.

I can explain the link between rice production in China and drug use
in the states too.. but that may not be correct! In space far from
Large objects like the earth.. gravity is sooo weak. A sphere of
metal hollow in the center has it's own gravity pulling towards the
METAL. Now inside this sphere anything placed in it will have a
pull to the that the steady state gravitational force
would be the center.. no matter if gas where used or a vacuum was

>He says he took a magnet, set it on a table, took another magnet and
>could sense a bubble around the magnet on the table. When he ran this
>other magnet under the table to the estimated lower portion of this
>bubble, he said a 'vortex' formed, I guess magnetic that he could
>detect, probably with a companse...I'm not clear on this magnetic bubble
>thing but he says that a large magnetic body on one side of the bubble,
>would cause a vortex to appear on the opposite the Bermuda
>Triangle as the vortex and the Sargasso Sea near Japan....just guessing
>on what is opposite, but it appears to be near to Japan on my globe...

Come on! The Bubble he refers to is the Magnetic Field of the two
magnets (you can feel it yourself) which is in a cardio shape at the
ends of the poles. Places two of the same poles near each other you
would have two cardio shapes 180 degrees to each other.. feeling like
a bubble! LOL What a joke! AND there is NO vortex! No spinning!
The Integral of BA^2 is ZERO! There is no 'work' performed by a
stationary magnet!

Now on the contant of "C", True that it is a constant.. but only in
a medium. You can slow it down... like in water! Called attenuation
just like EM waves can be slowed down. HOWEVER, you can not speed it
up FASTER than the in a vacuum. The Michealson Morely experiment
proved that the speed of light could not be accelerated relativistically.

Just my humble opinion.
v/r Ken Carrigan