Re: Stuff..comments..

Nigel Howie ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 09:59:01 +1200

Hi Jerry,

You wrote:-
I told him about Cleve Backsters 'primary perception'
as tested with plants, where metal plates are clamped
to a leaf and the electrical output is amplified with
a high gain circuit. Cleve found that if you are near
the plant and think about burning or otherwise
mutilating it with a cigarette or knife...the
electrical signals across the leaf will go nuts in
response. He and others have tested this at a
distance of up to 20 miles on a plant that he watered
and took care of.

Well I can vouch for this phenonomina. I have personally tested this on a
Tomato plant, I attached electrodes to it and used a high gain circuit and
an oscilloscope.
I took a tomato, previously removed from the plant, I then proceeded to cut
it in half. The trace on the scope really went wild. I found that this would
happen at a distance of at least 7 kilometers from the plant. Yes, and even
thinking about damage to it had a similar effect.
I was so impressed with this experiment that It go me thinking that this
effect could definitely be put to use for something.
Any ideas on how the hell this thing works?

N. Howie