RE: The hinthorne device

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 08:39:11 -0400

Looks to me as a battery! Baking soda, carbon rods and copper!
Electrolytes and electrodes. Time will tell I guess..
v/r Ken Carrigan

PS.. Hey whatever happened to the SMOT device that produced
113%? Anyone ever designed it to be self running yet? You
know it SHOULD be possible! If you can make a ball bearing
rise to a height of "h" and at that point also have a velocity
of "v" FROM a totally Dead start.. Zero height and Zero
velocity... the total energy (kinetic and potential energies)
would be 1/2mV^2 plus mgh!! Now that is something to stare
at for sure! At least I am! LOL Anyone a taker for it?

v/r Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 8/11/99 6:50 PM
Subject: The hinthorne device

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