Re: Tunguska Affair

Theo Paijmans ( )
Fri, 14 May 1999 13:06:31 +0200


Now I could come down forceful as well and say something like: yeah, but with
all the tinkering in all the barns and basements that's going on, we still do
not have a fully functional, ready for mass production device.

But I will remain polite and mellow. So I point out here that it is time for a
structured, cohesive overview of the history of free energy. Do I really need
to point out the importance of that? And would you like to see your efforts
waisted and forgotten in about a hundred years?


Theo Paijmans

Marinus Berghuis wrote:

> At 22:36 13/05/99 -0500, you wrote:
> Hi to all you theorists.!!
> I am absolutely flabbergashed, astounded and disappointed>to see so much
> time,writing,searching and effort wasted on topics like Tugungska,
> zokwendel and or any topic delving into history giving rise to endless
> babble about anything but practical research.
