Re: Tunguska Affair

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 14 May 1999 11:33:24 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ren et al!

I think you are missing the point....I'm not sure what
started the Tunguska my view it IS a waste
of time...however, the Zokwendle ties DIRECTLY to
Clem, Schlictig, the Negre airmotor and thermodynamic
phase it is important that we get the
definition correct....there is quite a different image
of suck/wave as opposed to suck/coil as opposed the
other variations...the suck/wave makes the most sense
because of the nature of Schaubergers work...

Remember, you are retired and have all that time and
no doubt ALL THAT MONEY...just kidding REN!!!
Whereas, most of the people I know are corporate
slaves like myself, stuck in a mind numbing job and
with life obligations that demand something to relieve
the stresses imposed on just making a living...spring
brings growth, so I'm doing yardwork and cutting down
swards of trees, as well as trying to find time to put
together my new linux system, pay for and install new
software that will add much more information to the
website...but I feel the need to experiment as certain
private posts will indicate..<g>...

Perhaps your frustation with non success is getting to
you...cheer up, take a break, a short vacation, and
all kinds of ideas and new perspectives will bubble

Got an email from a guy who says he is separating
hydrogen with magnetism at around 42kcps and he says
he will send in the details.

To duplicate Clem or Schauberger isn't an easy task as
you know, so everyone is of course looking for
something simple that will just warrant further
investigation and SCALING UP to a larger version that
can do some damage...

It's always a 30 million dollar project that will take
15 people to Mars and back...why not a desk or
tabletop model that will just lift itself (with regard
to gravity control of course)...or a circuit that will
just power a flashlight bulb...its always some
godawful mechanical or electrical wiring project
(motor/generator) that has to be built, then FAILS
from all that work, money and I fully
understand why everyone is so skeptical and prefers to
look for that basic circuit or design....

Anyway....I think you are being a bit too harsh...I am
as bad as anyone about babbling, sometimes interesting
to others, sometimes only to me and not
building....but when you have 24 hours a day free to
play, lots of damage could be done...I could do that
too if I quit my job and lived off my meager
savings...I'd say about 3-6 months and I'd lose my
house and everything for a flaky jaunt....

No, I prefer NOT to live at my relatives expense or
under a bridge and so will put up with the corporate
slaveship until either something else comes along or I
can squeeze in whatever I can accomplish, even if its
just information and instigation and
cheer up, I certainly envy you having the time and
energy to do something empirically...

--- Marinus Berghuis wrote:
> At 22:36 13/05/99 -0500, you wrote:
> Hi to all you theorists.!!
> I am absolutely flabbergashed, astounded and
> disappointed>to see so much
> time,writing,searching and effort wasted on topics
> like Tugungska,
> zokwendel and or any topic delving into history
> giving rise to endless
> babble about anything but practical research. Last 2
> days been working flat
> out constructing the Clem concept and spent 16 hours
> a day doing it to find
> when I open up the mail all I see is chewing over of
> stuff that is already
> in the Keely net archives ad infinitum. Is no one
> doing any practical work
> to comment on ?
> I for one thought that the Keely net subscribers
> were joining to help each
> other find the elusive answer!!


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as I am writing from my work email of!
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