Re: [svpvril] Re: Tunguska Affair

Harvey Norris ( (no email) )
Fri, 14 May 1999 01:09:41 PDT

On Thu, 13 May 1999 13:41:10 +0200, Theo Paijmans wrote:

> Hello all,
> Once again, Tesla's claims must be seen in its proper perspective (one of
> reasons why I wrote the 2nd part of my Keely book), something that I think
> quite necessary when studying free energy etc.
The claims of projected energy have never been verified
experimentally to my knowledge. No one WANTS to believe
Tesla accomplished an explosion at Tenguska because
it shows our complete ignorance of this process.
Personally I believe it might be possible. If Tesla
was willing to demonstrate this on the moon,was he simply bluffing?
On July 2nd 1994 I did some experimentation that may have led to some
unusual effects. I am somewhat convinced that I caused a power outage,
because it seems too much of a coincidence for this to be random.
In this experiment 2 tesla coils were constructed
with secondaries of approximately equal inductances
but different geometries. These both used 1500 ft of 18 gauge wire. Both of
these coils had a 6/1 diameter ratio and also a 6/1 difference in wire
spacing. One coil was 20 in diameter, the other 10 feet. The coils were
separated about two feet.
The object of this experiment was to determine what
would happen when the two systems were operated in
agreement and also opposition. For those not familiar
with tesla coils it is neccessary to regress.
It is found that when the secondary of a quarter
wavelength TC is grounded it increases the output voltage at the top of the
secondary as expressed in the
arcing activity noted by the length of the arcing into space. The earth is
used as a reservoir of free electrons. The tesla secondary simply taps into
this reservoir electron supply. Often in experimentation it is also noticed
that when the input amperage of the primary exceeds a certain value, arcing
between the primary and secondary also occurs which is not desirable to
produce the high voltage effects on the secondary. Grounding the secondary
also helps
eliminate this occurance.
Now in this experiment the secondaries were both grounded far apart in
space with separate grounds.
The large coil was grounded to the gas meter about 20 ft away (I dont think
the gas co recommends this!) and
the smaller coil was grounded by a copper rod driven into the ground right
next to the coil.(This was an outdoor effort recorded on tape)
The primaries from both systems were wired in series and the two
secondary ends placed close in space
to observe the respective arcing between them.
The initial thinking was that if the coils were functioning identically
they should have produced an
electrostatic or voltage repulsion since both would be
negative or positive at the same time. To change this condition all one
needed to do was reverse the connections to one of the primaries which would
mean that when one was negative the other would be positive.
However the systems operated identically to produce opposing voltage
effects still allowed arcing between
them. Changing the series primary connections to produce an aiding instead
of opposing effect simply
increased the length and strength of the arc between
This experiment simply implies that the smaller coil probably contained
much more voltage potential than the larger, and even though arcing between
them occured, this happened because one simply overides the other because at
any point in time one is more strongly
negative or positive than the other and arcing between
them still occurs as a fact explained as a greater
potential traveling to a lesser potential.
These combinations were switched repeatedly for these observations.
Unbeknownst to us we were actually
sending pulses BACK into the earth by doing this.
In the case of a single system all the secondary does is borrow and
replace free electrons from the earth. In the case of the systems operating
in agreement ( opposite polarities attract) when one
secondary is borrowing electrons the other is returning
them. In the case of opposition however an excess on one side means that a
pumping action BACK into the earth might be occuring since one side pushes
the other
because of different volumes of potential.
Of course the grounding Tesla had at Wardencliff
was the very best he could concieve of, and pales in comparison to that of a
gas main piping system.
Nevertheless about 12 hours after these experiments
a loud explosion was heard outside the next morning.
The television went blank and we and the rest of the street downward were
without power on a perfectly calm summer day. The lightening arrestor on a
pole 75 feet
away had exploded! We were the only street in town
without power! This prompted the neighbors to call the police on us. End of
those experiments. I explained to those piggies I couldnt possibly be
responsible since
I wasnt doing anything today. The electric company came by and tried to find
a cause but could find no burnt
squirrels in their tour of the street. Looking at my outside apparatus they
were simply dumbfounded.
OF course everyone agrees that something that
only pulls 10 amps maximum could not cause a short of hundreds of amps a
half a day later. This is a mystery
of coincidence. Stationary electrical waves returning
to their source 12 hours later that caused an avalanche
of return energy? Scalar waves propagated by two identical polarities with
different volumes of potential with groundings placed far apart? These are
justified speculations that of course have nothing to do with Tenguska?
After all how could such an effect
be aimed? That is the million dollar question. HDN

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