Re: Tunguska Affair

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 13 May 1999 14:30:07 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Theo, Bill et al!

And let's not forget Boris Karloff and his movie about
'the Mysterious Ray' or some such title where he
discovered a ray that would heal or
kill...<g>...interesting movie that must have been in
the 30's or 40s....

--- Theo Paijmans wrote:
> Hello all,
> And when Tesla
> made his claims around the 1930's, we find a large
> cluster of other claims by
> other inventors about death rays etc. For instance
> Grindell-Matthews, Pinckus,
> Henry Fleur etc. etc. Around the same time we see
> Charles Fort writing about
> mysterious spots where airplane engine stall,
> strange stretches of road where
> cars experience trouble, rumours of Marconi's
> demonstration of a death ray like
> device in Italy, dowsers looking for gold in the
> vicinity of Schappeller's
> castle in Austria.
> I plan to write a book on death ray inventors to
> remedy the fact that this info
> is not readily available to us.
> Best,
> Theo
> Wm Perry wrote:
> > ...snip....
> > wireless transmission of energy had been
> operationally tested with limited
> > success "earlier in the century". The alleged
> comment was made in
> > 1930-something.
> > (snip)


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