Re: [svpvril] Re: Tunguska Affair

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 13 May 1999 14:58:12 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Theo et al!

Interesting article on that URL you posted. I am a
bit puzzled by this;

"Marconi is hailed as a hero around the world while
Tesla is seen as a shirker by the public for ignoring
a call to jury duty in a murder case (he was excused
from duty because of his opposition to the death
penalty). "

Then this;

"Undercut by Marconi's accomplishment, beset by
financial problems, and spurned by the scientific
establishment, Tesla was in a desperate situation by
mid-decade. The strain became too great by 1906-1907
and, according to Tesla biographers, he suffered an
emotional collapse."

And this;

"Whole herds of reindeer were destroyed. Several
nomadic villages were reported to have vanished."

Quite a switch, from one murderer to several villages.
Was that due to emotional collapse? Something is
wrong with this whole scenario which is so well
painted by Nichelson. Yet he recognizes that if it
was attributable to Tesla, then it must have been a
screwup as in;

"Given Tesla's general pacifistic nature it is hard to
understand why he would carry out a test harmful to
both animals and the people who herded the animals
even when he was in the grip of financial desperation.
The answer is that he probably intended no harm, but
was aiming for a publicity coup and, literally, missed
his target. "

Perhaps he did it, but I still don't think so as his
need for publicity and recovery from Marconi
outshining him would certainly have resulted in major
intererviews claiming bragging rights to this
event....lots of vagueness but nothing specific from
Tesla or the media of the time...

And all that business about the Tesla Shield indicates
that for protection people must be WITHIN the energy
bubble, which is highly charged...I'll pass, I can do
without sparks from my water faucet and with each step

--- Theo Paijmans wrote:
> On Tesla and Tunguska:
> Best,
> Theo Paijmans
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