Re: Tunguska Affair

Theo Paijmans ( )
Fri, 14 May 1999 00:36:45 +0200

Hi Jerry and all,

And we must also consider this, something that has not been taken into
the equation by the Tesla-did-Tunguska theoreticists; It wasn't untill
years later that people grasped what went down at Tunguska, the region
being very inaccesible. So, even if Tesla did it - which I strongly
doubt - how would he have known that he was succesful? He had no
opportunity to go and visit the site. It was only in 1928 (Kulik
expedition) that people found out the impact of the disaster.



Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:

> Hi Theo!
> Yes, but with Tesla's highly inflated ego plus his
> built induced OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), he
> would have shouting his 'success' from the roof tops
> if he'd actually been involved in it, quoting it as
> often as he quoted his Colorado Springs experiments in
> later writings. Which he never did.
> Because it was such a remote area, I don't think it
> would have been anything to be ashamed unless it
> killed people or destroyed property.
> Anyway, we'll never know unless it happens again today
> where we can get fresher samples and observations. At
> this point, its ALL speculation along the lines of
> frogs and stones raining from the sky, ala Charles
> Fort.
> Maybe even an act of god...<g>..