Magnetic cement vs. Searl rollers.

Meat Truck ( (no email) )
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:24:38 -0500

Having spent some time away from civilization I had the misfortune of
reading the so called Law of the Squares, Books 1,1a,1b,2. It was puffed up
with so much superlative info. as to make it almost worthless. After my
vacation I saw some follow up info on Keelynet or somewhere that indicated
that a historical research of Searl showed some shaky shenanigans. So at
that point I accepted that Searl was a fraud, but a lot of things just
didn't jive. Anyone familiar with this guy should know he keeps going to a
dream, but I understood his dream in a different context. As part of that
dream goes he is a child playing hop-scotch. I had to ask people how this
game works because I cant remember anything about it. But what I am told
is that a stone or marker is thrown to the square that has to be hopped
over. In Searls dream his pebble is on 3 and he jumping to 4,when
everything stops.
Now Searl proposes a system of rings and rollers. Each of these
consist of 4 layers of materials. If I remember right:
aluminum,nylon,neodymium,copper. Sounds like a damn expensive proposition
to me. Now you have to magnetise and imprint an alternating current on
these rollers. Even though no one understands how that can be done, or do
they? Yes there are claims of AC imprinting on ferrites. Out of hundreds of
pages of semi-useless information I have found the following hints;
The concept at stage 1... equals a two state condition:
State 1.... A solid ring,formed by various layers then imprinted with an
D.C PLUS A.C. pulse.
State 2.... A roller,formed with similar materials, and printed by similar
The first objective is to make the roller blank correct, until you
have this right, there is no sense continuing with the rest,once the roller
is correct in manufacturing, its plate can be made.
Now to leave Searls spelling behind lets just drop his whole
proposition into the rubbish bin of history and consider the following.
The concentric rings can be be viewed as an axial capacitor from above.
In between the rings an electric field exists which can come from a power
source. Also within these rings rollers exist;constructed of a dielectric
material to amplify not just the electric field, but also the magnetic. To
serve this purpose a cement/ferrite/additive/water mixture is allowed to
cure in rotation to cohered fields. An amazing amount of water is absorbed
in crystalline cement formation. In fact if a magnetic field is made to act
in concert with the electric at right angles a third force acts at right
angles to both which is in the direction of both rotation and precession of
the rollers. Now to further complicate matters the charge movement through
space that this Lorentz force mechanism acts only occurs at sufficiently
high frequencies to become practical. This is what started me thinking
about that time when I replaced the insulated parts of a tesla primary arc
gap with cement block. The arc conducted through the cement instead of the
air because it was conductive at that frequency. This whole subject that I
am driving at is that Searl may be presenting a mistruth, hey who knows
maybe he is working for a bigger paymaster. Sincere in the truth: H. Norris