Hex - Re: No Free Energy?

donadams ( donadams@telusplanet.net )
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 14:23:07 -0500

> Nobody said that inventors are any less impervious to GREED than anyone
> else.

I never indicated otherwise I simply lamented the lack of wisdom shown
by those who might have the intellect to really help.

> Riiiiight - ok, you send this schematic to EVERYONE. Now ask yourself:
> who is going to assemble it?

A very, very small percentage...inititally, BUT the information would be
OUT there..case in point is RIFE technology.

>Exactly. Most people will brush it off as a
> fraud, and refuse to commit the resources to build it -- people want
> instant total gratification (read: AN ASSEMBLED PRODUCT) that they can use

And which people do you mean exactly? Those who gorge themselves on what
they rape or allow others to rape from the environment? I am entirely
confident that if people were at least given the opportunity, eventually
a significant amount would begin making efforts ...if that were not the case
then you wouldn't have organizations form like Greenpeace.

>That's just basic economics, something you obviously didn't
> take enough of in high school.

Since you have started shooting me first without asking any questions
(typical American mentality) I'm not going to show you my usual level
of courtesy either.... y'know its funny.... you yanks never seem to figure
out why no one likes having you around overseas, in Europe or a host
of other countries abroad.... in fact its a common running joke for Canadians,
who are always welcome where ever we go to see yanks actually sewing Canadian
flags to their jackets so that they can at least get service when they go out...
that is until they open their mouths.... As for economics, lets see thats
derogatory slam# 1 from HEx because he doesn't like what I had to say and feels
he should pound me for it.... yes, actually I DID study economics and frankly felt
that the entire discipline, more or less was completely fraudulent and was based
more on an elitist desire to control and distort reality rather than representing
the way the world actually could and should work. Apparently however, you seem
to have digested economic principle and relished it a great deal, how dare I come along
and upset your apple cart! Perhaps you could nuke me?
> Freedom costs, genius - that's the way things are.

Ahh silly me? REALLY?! Hey thanks for the news flash.... slam# 2 from
Hex, in whose opinion I am certainly not a genius but a whiny pinko dolt
who should be squashed and shaken again... ooh thank you so much for taking
the time to 'illuminate' me to your capitalistic perception of reality
by reguritating your politial idealism and jingositic attitudes and
ramming it down my throat with your military boots!

>Information is a commodity to be bought and sold like anything else -- if you don't like
> it, go move to a communist country (if you can find one still standing).

I see, its your way or the highway. If I think basic essentials for life that are
literally free all around us should not not be kept from the general public then
I can go take a flying leap, nes pas? Folks who support the 'system' as obviously
you do and those who are in control may be allowed in varying degrees to wallow
at the trough but everyone else can die or change their minds.

> I hate people who expect something for nothing.

Self hate propogates further hate. Who charges you to breathe the air?
Who charges you to feel the sun? Interesting how you can 'hate' so readily....
you don't know a stich about me... you didn't take the time to find out...
like the old west you saw the color of my shirt, didnt like it and so
shot me.... its people like you who cause the problems in the world.
Not that you would care at all, or maybe you already know but don't
give a flying crap; but your country alone, disposes of enough food simply
because its surplus, to feed all the hungry of the world.... but Hey!
We couldn't be HUMANE could we? No that would be a sign of weakness wouldn't it?
So just continue hogging and manipulating and conspicuously consuming all you
can possibly get your hands on like little rich, spoilt brats runing amok
in a Candy store... getting sick, fat, dirty and disgusting while others on
the outside are dying, while little children get bloated stomachs and die painfully
watching others that they love also die.... while you sit, smug in your house watching
your $2000.00 color TV, riding around in your expensive sports car eating your steak and potatoes
and criticizing any one who doesn't conform to your narrow perception of reality
or who says anything that you feel 'threatens' you. Obviously you don't know
the difference between being 'HUMANE' and Communism.

>If you're so pissed about the state of affairs - get off your ass and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don't
> just sit on a mailing list and WHINE about it - really - DO SOMETHING.
> Read some articles, do some research, plonk down some spare cash to build
> prototypes, build something fantastic that works - and then see if you can
> really be as altruistic as you'd like everyone else to be.

Slam# 3. You assume that I haven't done anything except sit on my ass and whine
without asking me first. I made about $100,000.00 last year. I lived a meager lifestyle,
paid my essential bills and spent the BULK of what remained on alternative technologies... I
bought tons of gadgets, built gadgets from plans, spent hundreds of hours reading books, articles,
manuscripts, trying to learn as much as I could.... with one goal in mind.... to try to figure out
what I as an individual, might be able to do to make a difference... anything I have found which
appears to be beneficial I have freely shared with any who seemed interested and have freely allowed
others who were afflicted to use my 'gadgets' (when it would have been very easy to have charged them)
have shared information, lent my books and been happy to do all this. I will continue trying to make
a difference.
> Greed, yeah - kinda like people who DEMAND that people release information
> freely and give nothing in return, right? Yeah. People like that really
> piss me off. (Take a hint)

I see, and would you say this to a child starving on the plains of Ethiopia?
How dare a child look in your direction, at you the stuffed American in your
50 dollar jeans and trendy expensive sneakers? Why that Ethiopian is GREEDY
to expect YOU to offer him a crust of bread.... screw him! You'll just keep
it yourself! Hint taken Hex, slam# 4 you say I'm greedy because I say freedom
is a basic right and not a commodity.

> Again: act yourself.

I have been. Wake up.

>Whoopie, you're a Celtic Scottish Canadian...
> and I'm a European-mixed-breed Seminole Californian, what's your point?

My point is, since you in your vastly superior 'American' semi-deified flag waving
fascist state mentality appears to have missed it is; BEING HUMANE AND TREATING

> Everyone knows the power of pollution - and whining for everyone to give
> up their knowledge won't stop this world from going down the drain.

No, it will take each individual to willingly giving up their twisted value systems
and their tendency to want others to DO and BE for them, but sadly people like you
WANT the twisted value system, you WANT powerful capitalists to stay in control
to make you consumable goods... you are a cog in their wheel and anything that jeopardizes
your system should be crushed first and asked questions later!
If the only people that heard my plea was self centered, egotistic, fascists like you
then it has fallen completely on deaf ears...no wonder the natives are so frustrated....
I don't blame them...but then most of the folks that I have seen on here appear to have
wisdom far beyond their age... so hopefully someone WILL make a difference. Jerry,
has already ALTRUISTICALLY distributed the shareware RIFE database from an unknown
individual who also ALTRUISTICALLY created it with his own time and effort on a FREE
basis with the only intention being to help his fellow man and not simply to profit! I can only yet
applaud Jerry again for his obvious demonstration of humanitarianism. People have been
cured of Cancer and so many other afflictions... I have built a generator myself based
on the information given freely by Jerry and it has been of tremendous benefit to myself,
family and friends. It is these kinds of people who WILL make a difference and ARE
making a difference in this troubled world. Funny thing about you Hex, is that I've been
following your posts for a number of months now... I've read many of your messages and
I find you are a rather curious individual. You seem to occasionally say some very
insightful and meaningful things and you appear to have a decent level of technical knowledge
in some areas... but you also seem to stir a lot of crap up and I've noticed you seem
to be associated with varying levels of strife or discord in your various interchanges
via e-mail.... I'm wondering if you are just a naturally belligerent individual or if
you just need to seriously grow up in some areas of your character.
> It takes a lot of dedication, effort, energy, hard work, and thought to go
> into creating a working device - and you expect people to just give it up,
> willing. That's lunacy. That's also socialistic. I hate socialists.

Ah more people for you to hate.... that must be very satisfying for you.... I bet
you have a long list of people on your 'hate' list don't you? I think labels
are dangerous and inaccurate but then you Americans seem to just love them to pieces....
I am often reminded of the scary fervor the Nazi's often displaved at their public events
and every time I see a large group of Americans whipped into their self congratulatory,
back slapping self praise of nation hood waving their flag like Nazi's waving their swastika
I get a very cold chill running down my back and I feel great dissapointment in a country that
has slipped so far from what it purported to be when you first created your constitution,
much of which I admired. Rah, rah, rah we're the best! Every one else is second to us!
We are the superior country (race) in everything. You people really scare the rest of the world
with your attitudes. Canadians are called peacemakers by most other countries, we are
treated with respect virtually everywhere we go...the only time we seem to encounter
trouble is when a country associates us with America. In fact it was a CANADIAN diplomat,
Ken Taylor, who rescued YOUR country men from IRAN when ALL your previous military excursions
FAILED to do. A few words from one of our citizens accomplished what millions of dollars
and the lost lives of US soldiers couldn't. Put that in your militaristic, capitalistic
pipe and blow it! The difference between us is that we KNOW all people are equal and deserve
basic essential respect and dignity, where as Americans view everything and everyone around
them as COMMODITIES to be bought and sold! I'm surprised your country ever abolished slavery!!!
Oh yeah, thats right...you had to go to WAR first with millions dying until slavery could be removed,
but then you never really ended it anyway...you just turn the blacks into economic slaves and keep
them in ghettos.

> Don't take this the wrong way... I'm not trying to be an asshole

Its funny, this is a typical statement said by boorish, ignorant yanks
AFTER they have already made a complete ASS of themeselves...happens
all the time in european restaurants when a group of you goes in,
act like complete jerks and then wonder why you can't get any service?
I realize you are not 'trying' to be an asshole, it appears to simply
come natural to you. AS for a 'wrong' way of taking it... I see...
you would prefer that I simply smile and say 'Duhhh. thanks you suh,
please may I have another?' while you treat me like a complete waste
of skin that you 'hate'?

>- but your pleas accomplish nothing.

if your response was all I get then you'd be right... but I have confidence
in the humane nature of 'most' of the folks on here...especially since so
much has already been done by so many on here.

> Give something back or be silent.

Go find some one else to badger and play games with, I'm not interested
in attempting to entertain your ridiculous and juvenile notions.
I'm not even going to bother attempting to teach you how to behave
properly in a social setting... I tired of even trying with people like you.
If you can't take the time to properly discuss subjects with out being
abrasive or if you feel the need to accuse someone of something
with out bothering to find out who they are, what they have done or
where they are coming from then piss off! Go make outlandish and inaccurate
assumptions about someone else whom you may be able to bait into a longer
term e-mail brawl of buffoonery and flaming.

> Either way, just PLEASE stop whining for everyone ELSE to solve the
> world's problems first.

Hex, leave me alone. Any further dialogue from you will be considered harrassment.
Pure and simple. Do we understand each other? As I am sure you are the type
of character who lives for this kind of dissention, I will not reply to any further
e-mails from you, nor will I be baited into a ridiculous exchange of stupid insults.
You are wrong, ignorant and immature. Period. The fact that these two e-mails
have occupied space on Jerry's list is bad enough, I respect Jerry far too much
to continue with this any further. I suggest that if you have any respect for
Jerry and Keelynet that you cease and desist from engaging memembers in wars of insult
for your warped amusement. Oh and one last thing, I'm completely aware that now,
after you have played the'bull in the china cabinet' routine you may already be thinking
of some way to diffuse this entrie scenario in the hopes that others don't notice your
social faux pas. Instead of being responsible and apologizing for your rude and unwarranted
comments you will likely take the immature escape of saying, 'Geez relax, you take what
I said too seriously... I was just joking or only half serious. You acted like a jerk
towards a complete stranger for no good reason. Pure and simple.

Don J.S. Adams
