Re: Hex - Re: No Free Energy?

donadams ( )
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 17:53:30 -0500


Thank you for your thoughtful and candid response. wrote:
> In a message dated 98-07-21 16:24:49 EDT, you write:
> we are not all that way althogh it is an accurate generalization for most
> americans

I entirely agree, and please forgive me for not including in my previous
message that I did not think all Americans fit the generally perceived
stereotype. I do not now, nor did I before think that your country men
desrved to be brushed with the same stroke.... if I did think that I
be horribly in error.

> i don't agree with the philosophy that information is a "comodity" i
> am with lucifer on this information is free but america is a capitalistic
> consumer country where anything that can be sold will be sold (they would sell
> air)

For the record, I don't believe capitalism is 'all' evil or that free
is entirely dysfunctional. It is the intent behind the action that
the the action good or bad.

>all americans aren't rude we got that from the french that are here. i
> am polite untill someone crosses me (i'm a leo)

As a child I had a great deal of admiration and respect for your country
many of its historic and heroic figures such as Lincoln and
although many of the stories are myth there is also much truth to the
that many men of great character were involved with the formation of
country. As I grew older I began to realize more and more how far the
as it is today had deviated from many of its truly noble aspirations and
in how many ways it had failed much of the vision of the people who
it into being. I still think the US has many redeemable properties and
it could perhaps again become a true beacon of light, freedom,
etc... for the beleagured nations of the world.... but alas, today it is
primarily a country concerned only with its own self-interest what ever
the cost
to its own people and to the other peoples of the world... I am
horified when I hear stories of how the US hired the NAZI war
who should have been judged as war criminals, men who had commited
atrocities against humanity were employed by the CIA and NASA and
stories of poor black farmers who were intentionally given syphyllis by
US govt. so that the effects could be observed, children in a small town
whose milk supply was intentionally irradiated by radioactive trace
the Bikini atolls / islands that were populated by a native aboriginal
who were bombed with atomic weapons intentionally by the US govt. and
then studied
to see what the effects of radiation on them were, the international
manipulations and machinations to ensure US domination and protect
US interests in struggling, fledgling countries who are struggling to
and secure real independence and freedom, how military personnel who
were of
low rank were brought to Edgewood and were given huge amounts of LSD
with out
their knowledge or consent, many of these officers suffered horribly,
health was broken, their families destroyed, their ability to maintain a
robbed from them, and virtually none of them recieved any reasonable
I won't even go into how the US sent poor, naive young men barely out of
teens to Vietnam and destroyed their lives and then when they came home
were treated as outcasts, pariahs and beggars.

I could go on and on... but suffice it to say... that I find the US
often as
frightening as Nazy Germany ever was... They just seem to be very good
at hiding
their crimes and candy coating or diverting what actually goes on...
Don't get
me wrong, I'm not saying Canada is perfect, far from it... we have
committed our
own crimes against humanity... enough for me to be just ashamed of what
my own
country men have done and embarrased that these things could have been
by Canadians. But it genuinely seems to be a drastically different
mindset here. There is much greater aware and concern for the
individual in Canada,
the ratio of peace and well being orgnaizations and efforts are much
greater than in the US.
When strife arises in the world our general approach is to try and solve
it through cooperation,
dialogue and understanding while the US just sends in the guns. There
is a reason that
Canada has for four years in a row been voted worldwide by recognized
organizations as the
# 1 place to live in the world, beating the US out consistently. In
fact I think there
were some years the US was rated as low as 4th position.

I still think what you calle the 'true Amercian Spirit' exists but it is
almost gone,
weakend to an almost unrecognizable state and those who truly follow its
are usually exterminated rapidly... such as Martin Luther King. Instead
the general
masses have digested the pre-fabricated media image doled out by the
media of the
false 'American Spirit', it is the spirit shown when American teen
football players
are whipped into a frenzy at a game by the so called patriotism and
false American
spirit, the fans get all glossy eyed as they get caught up in their own
self adulation
as the crown vibrates homogeneously with the ideology that they are
superior and better
than anyone else in the world... and then after the game, these same
super patriotic
football players, representatives of American ideals (including
captialism) who are worshipped
go off to the local bar, get drunk and then team rape some unsuspecting
feel no remorse about it afterwards... they just laugh.... if you don't
think this is a very
common event in your culture then I implore you to seriously look into
rape incidents
among American collegiate team sports... the stats are simply horrifying
and yet this
aspect of American culture, a symbolic representation of American
competiveness, is highly
esteemed and glorified.... but the actual results of such a mind set are

> i know lots of inventors and it's a mixture of greed and hubris that makes
> them charge but also government surpression plays a big role.

Yes, sadly I know what you say is true... but then the true American
spirit still exists.
I see it in people like Jerry Decker. Not to put him on a pedestal but I
will plainly
state, that in my humble opinion, men like Jerry are the true unsung
heroes of your country...
that go about their day to day life like the average person, yet
differentiating themselves
by their intent and heart. Individuals like this that take of their own
time, energy and resources to share with others, care for others and
seek to expand their own consciousness and awareness and to assist
to do the same... but I confess I fear that it is these people who are
often targeted by your
govt. for liquidation and removal. I hope that one day if Jerry or
others on this board ever come into
possession of truly earth shattering info that they take steps to
protect themselves from the supposedly
protective umbrella of your govt. and all govts. of the world.

>by the way are you canadian?

I am a Candian citizen, but like most Canadians I am not super patriotic
and I do not
place great emphasis or importance on my country... because this is not
what life is about.
The moment that I believe that my 'country' is the incarnation of any
sort of ideals and
that therefore I am somehow imparted with a sort of superiority is the
moment I am in great
danger of becoming a tyrannical fascist. I do advocate a 'world
community' and a loss of
national identity, rather that our ridiculous focus on patriotism be
replaced with a sense
of humanitarianism, lets care for each other because we all have
intrinsic value as being
only who we are, and not because we can 'get' something from the other
or because the other
shares our limited ideology or social perceptions or is of a certain
colour or race....
If we do not or cannot do this, then we will all die and rightly so....