Re: Hex - Re: No Free Energy?

donadams ( )
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 20:18:23 -0500

Hey buddy! wrote:
> have fun in seattle

Thx, amigo! will give it a shot!

>i hope they are nice their

me too! I'm sure it will be cool.

>and i'm filing the good chics in vancouver for later.

Absolutement! The women are simply AMAZING!!! Checkout Davies St
down by the water around the cafes.... lots of chics and Robson St.,
again by the cafes.... very friendly too!

>good luck with your sleep device

thanks! currently its design is a bit beyond my current level of
but I'll keep tinkering away!

>the hendershot generator if your curious is a special coil apparatus to take
>EM energy from the air the man who made it is lester hendershot.

cool... sounds pretty funky... has it been difficult to locate info on
I will keep my eyes open, thank you for telling me more aboput it that
help me should I stumble across info... I'll know what I should scoop
will send anything meaningful back to you.

>i am going away for the next 7 days and won't be here but i shall return i hope you enjoy the keelynet.

Vacation? Hope you have a blast! Thanks, Keelynet is a great resource
and I enjoy it immensely..

take care for now!