Re: Hex - Re: No Free Energy?

Mathias Space ( )
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 18:09:42 EDT

In a message dated 98-07-21 16:24:49 EDT, you write:

we are not all that way althogh it is an accurate generalization for most
americans i don't agree with the philosophy that information is a "comodity" i
am with lucifer on this information is free but america is a capitalistic
consumer country where anything that can be sold will be sold (they would sell
air) all americans aren't rude we got that from the french that are here. i
am polite untill someone crosses me (i'm a leo)
i know lots of inventors and it's a mixture of greed and hubris that makes
them charge but also government surpression plays a big role. by the way are
you canadian?