Lyndon LaRouche

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Sun, 5 Jul 1998 17:38:29 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi all !

I just sent an ebthusiastic post about a French magazine called "Fusion".
This is one of the very few French science journals with a sympathetic slant
on alternative science. Being a science writer and an nut, I've
been considering for a while offering my contribution to this magazine.
However, something bothers me. "Fusion" is financed by Lyndon LaRouche and
linked to the French publisher of his books. Now, I don't know much about
LaRouche but I've been told he's sort of a, well, shady character. I would
appreciate any input from American citizens, either in-list of off-list,
about this fellow... Thanks in advance !
Jean-Pierre Lentin