Re: Lyndon LaRouche

dwenbert ( (no email) )
Mon, 6 Jul 1998 14:55:04 -0400

>Now, I don't know much about
> LaRouche but I've been told he's sort of a, well, shady character. I
> appreciate any input from American citizens, either in-list of off-list,
> about this fellow... Thanks in advance !
> Jean-Pierre Lentin

Lyndon LaRouche has, over the last 20 years, been a self-identified
Neo-Nazi, a Communist, a Democratic Socialist, and a Fascist
Nationalist/Reactionary, depending on who along the U.S. political spectrum
he could get to listen to his hysterical rantings and give him a soapbox
and a platform to work from. He has been totally and completely
discredited in the United States, following his most recent arrest for
Credit Card Fraud; apparently his organization was processing stolen credit
card numbers and collecting the cash from Visa and Mastercard. If you buy
a book or something from him, it is likely that your credit card will be
raped like everyone else's was.

Supposedly, he is in France to avoid prosecution in the United States on
multiple charges. He has run for President two or three times, each time
with massive campaign financing irregularities, many of them related to the
credit cards of his supposed 'contributors'. His dancing across the
political spectrum is indicative of his true philosophy - personal
aggrandizement, money and power.

He is apparently a brilliant man; brilliant and psychotic. He is
articulate, and can hob-nob with anyone in society. But, by all accounts
of those who've run into him over the years, he is most likely a dangerous
sociopath. His demonstrated personal, authoritarian ambitions make him
the last man on Earth who should be given access to easy fusion and free

Free Energy, Anti-Gravity, etc.....these will never be willingly given by a
government to its citizens; but they MAY be developed eventually by a free
market in such a way that the government is powerless to prevent their
release. Socialists/Communists/Fascists - these are the people whom
LaRouche gravitates toward. His obsession with fusion ought to give one
pause to think about how he would use such power....