hydrogen generator

Steve ( darklord@darknet.net )
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 16:06:48 -0500

Hi all,

as part of my sister's science fair project on alternative fuels,
I was planning on building a small hydrogen generator. It is powered
by a small 6V hobby battery, and is nothing more than 2 wires under
water in a jar with plastic tubing connected to 2 balloons. Is there
anything I should know before I hook this up? The volume of gas
generated isn't important, as long as you can see something happening.
(bubbling, etc) I don't think the battery would explode or anything,
but I've never built a device like this before, so I just thought I'd
ask in case someone on the list has done this before.


--      darklord@darknet.net | ICQ: 5113616       DarkNet Online: http://www.darknet.netDigital Fusion: http://www.darknet.net/fusion