RE: Transparent aluminum

Euejin Jeong ( )
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 14:41:47 -0600


Aluminum is a conductor and a conductor has the ability to block the
passage of electromagnetic wave because of the abundant free electrons
exisitng in the metal.
I also got a different idea from the post of Wm Perry, that if we can
freeze the bulk electrons into circular orbits by using a strong magnetic
field(as strongest as possible), Aluminum or any other metal will become
transparent. Sounds familar with some of the stories told by


----Original Message-----
From: Wm Perry []
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 1999 11:00 PM
To: Keely Net List
Subject: Transparent aluminum

A remarkable idea occurred to me the other night while watching The
Learning Channel. What if rotate a hollow metal drum with a bottom on it.
Rotate it very rapidly such as >300000 rpm or so. The metal must a rather
high melting point. Next we pour molten aluminum (or some kind of metal)
into it, and let the centrifugal (or is it centripetal) force smash it up
to the walls of the drum, such as in a washing machine. The spinning action
should align the atoms of the metal to be in line with each other. As this
is spinning about, we let it cool very slowly so as not to disturb the
arrangement. Once, it cools down to room temp, we stop the spinning of the
drum, and since the atoms are lined up, light should be able to pass
through the material cooled into a hollow cylindrical shape. Any takers?
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