Re: hydrogen generator

Thu, 18 Feb 1999 08:35:02 -0800

Hi Jerry:
Have you ever asked yourself what electrical induced sound is? Is it
not electrical energy converted to sound frequencies. Although Telsa was
the electrical guy, I have noted the distinctive tuner circuit in his

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Larry et al!
> Remember Keely was the sound guy, tuning forks, vibrating bars, resonant
> chambers, Tesla was the electric guy..<G>...
> You wrote;
> > With a electrolises unit one creates a energized current, with a
> > megatron tube one exites molecules via alternating frequencies in a
> > highly energized field, if enough energy is applied it explodes.
> I think you meant a Magnetron tube.
> I see you were careful to say freqs in an energized field..<g>.., purely
> sonic in this case, unless high voltage was produced by forced
> separation of the water molecule based on Dr. Lenards work and the proof
> of the wasserfadden.
> I don't recall Keely ever writing or being reported as saying he was
> shocked or otherwise witnessed electrical discharges.
> That post from Harvey about Puharich led to the puha1 comment about
> causing rotation of the water molecule to help rupture it to release
> oxygen and hydrogen...I had forgotten that comment, quite fascinating.
> That's what happens in those acoustic levitators thingies where the
> levitated mass is rotated as if it was being phased like a motor.
> Something reported by Dr. Kelly Monteith about bubbles...hmm, resonant
> bubbles repel? otherwise they attract, I think was what he found, have
> to email him and ask.
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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