The True Cause of our Dependence on Foreign Oil

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 14:12:19 -0500

Hi Folks!

You know, just something to think about, we are all concerned about the
reliance of America and other countries on the importation of foreign

One of the major purposes of the March for Peaceful Energy

is to reduce that foreign oil dependence with the associated
non-interference in the affairs of other countries under the guise of
'strategic importance.' We would have no business there if we no longer
have a stake in their oil output.

Other factors in the March were to help heal the planet by using natural
or recycled energy sources that did not rely on burning petrochemicals
(my understanding).

Now, if you seriously think about why do we NEED so much oil, it is of
course, MOSTLY to run our automobiles, not to generate electrical or
heat energy for homes.

Yes, some people still use oil heaters, but I don't have any idea of how
many still do.

So, our concern is focusing attention on renewable energy sources FOR
THE HOME which won't really make a dent in the foreign oil imports that
wind up as gasoline in our vehicles.

Therefore, there needs to be some major focus in the March for ways to
fuel vehicles without using oil.

Two methods are;

1) burning water that has been reduced to hydrogen and oxygen * Best

a ceramic engine (non-rusting) would have to be developed for
engines OR, henneum inserts placed in existing engines to make
water as fuel work, though according to Garrett, there is no
damage if the mix is correct and the timing is set properly,
the problem of course being that if you combine hydrogen and
oxygen in the presence of a spark, you get water as a byproduct

2) combusting compressed oxygen

deals with explosive properties of compressed oxygen in the
presence of a high voltage spark

Other ways to increase fuel efficiency

There are other methods such as the Joe Papp engine where mixed noble
gases are sparked to produce an explosive reaction and drive the engine,
the EV Gray engine which uses high voltage coils to repel cylinders with
magnets attached to them and several others.

My point here is that since automobiles are the biggest users of oil in
the form of gasoline, that should be a major focus, otherwise, we are
all just dancing around the edges of the real problem.

With all the vehicles out there, that is some retrofitting job, not to
mention all the resistance that will be introduced by the oil companies,
though based on Hal Puthoffs interviews with top oil execs about how
they would react to a true non-fuel free energy device, all agreed it
would be the best thing that could happen to them.

Sounds preposterous right, not so,

Hal was told that modern chemistry has developed all kinds of products
that can be produced from oil, ranging from plastics to pharmaceuticals,
so where oil is now running about $25 a barrel to be BURNED, they can
convert that oil and make at least $200 per barrel on it. So everyone

My preference and direction is of course towards tapping aether/zpe, but
unless there is a major breakthrough that is freely released, we'll not
see that in the appreciable future.

FOR NOW, automobiles are the true cause of our dependence on foreign oil
and I'm just pointing it out.

The renergy discussion list is available for subscription at;

and is intended to be a public forum for those who wish to help make
this March a raging success, with money, time, advertising or other
efforts that will help to put into motion major changes in the energy
policies of the United States (and other countries who recognize the
importance of this effort).

Opportunities abound for those with ideas and/or investment capital to
get involved in this March and the inevitable direction of the world to
seeking, developing and BUYING devices and technologies that will
co-generate energy for their own uses or to develop a reliable, off the
shelf method of fueling vehicles without gasoline.

If you might want to help out or get involved but not in such a public
way, please feel free to contact Richard Lasken at
and offer whatever help you can.

Something to think about thats been bugging me about the focus of the
March for Peaceful Energy.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187