Details on the 'March for Renewable Energy' - 03/03/98

Rally Target Date - October 24th, 1998 - 03/06/98

If you are not planning to actively support or otherwise get involved in making the Rally happen, please do not attempt to subscribe to this list.

The list is online as of 03/13/98!

Guidelines for
'March for Peaceful Energy -
Renewable Energy Discussion List

(Contents of these guidelines are subject to change)

The 'renergy' - Renewable Energy discussion list is intended to facilitate communication between all parties who are helping to organize, sponsor or promote The Rally (rally and march are interchangeably used here).

Basic arrangement and guidelines for participation on this list are;

Request for Suggestions or Improvements

If you have suggestions for improvements or modifications to these guidelines, please post them to the list moderator.

NOTICE: By subscribing, you are agreeing to follow the above guidelines for
all emails directed to the renergy discussion list,
so read them first if you haven't already!!!!

To Subscribe to the Renewable Energy List

Send a blank email to

To Unsubscribe from the Renewable Energy List

Send a blank email to

Please feel free to use this form, these guidelines or a modification thereof if you are considering setting up your own discussion list. If you might like to use the VERY REASONABLY priced Starfire List system, please contact;

Ron Kimball @ Starfire Systems

and let him set you up. My experience with Ron has been quite satisfying. You choose your list name so it looks like

Piece of cake!

You can have your list online in about an hour!!!

Tell him Jerry at KeelyNet sent you!