Boese Liquid Nitrogen Engine

File Name : BOESE.ASC
Online Date : 09/22/94
Contributed by : Jerry Decker
Dir Category : ENERGY

The following file refers to the late cryogenics genius, Harold L. Boese (pronounced BAY-ZEE). He was a recognized expert in the field of super cold and has been called the Father of Cryogenics. Mr. Boese died about 4 years ago (1988) after several strokes, according to his daughter. Due to the severity of the strokes, Mr. Boese was restricted to a wheelchair in his later years. You might also take the file BOESE.GIF which shows a diagram of how the system works.

Mr. Boese developed a most unique engine based on liquid nitrogen (N2) which is inert, non-flammable and comprises about 78% of our atmosphere.

A Pinto station wagon was converted to run on his engine and proven as a viable means of transport at extremely low cost and absolutely no pollution.

The engine uses a "turbo-expander" which functions as a heat exchanger. It allows the liquid nitrogen a means of rapid expansion from heating due to ambient temperatures of >30 degrees F. The "turbo- expander" is basically a long hollow copper pipe that is either spiralled or folded in such a way as to give the greatest surface exposure.

As the liquid nitrogen passes through this expansion tubing, the ambient heat will cause the liquid to change to a gas through a phase change.

Liquid nitrogen expands by 980 times its volume when changing from a liquid to a gas. Expansion means pressure which translates to power.

1 gallon = 231 cubic inches

Expansion of one gallon of Liquid Nitrogen into Nitrogen Gas

980 X 231 = 226,380 cubic inches

Once the liquid has expanded by 980 times its volume, it is fed into an offthe-shelf AIR MOTOR. An air motor is kind of like a paddle wheel on an old style riverboat. As compressed air is blown against the paddles, a shaft is spun which drives whatever is attached, in this case, the transmission of a vehicle. Boese said that only a slight modification to the air motor was necessary to make the it run perfectly with the expanded and very cool nitrogen gas.

In the above diagram, the Liquid Nitrogen Motor takes advantage of the expansion of liquid nitrogen to a gaseous phase. This entails a volume increase of 980 times. One gallon of Liquid Nitrogen equals 231 cubic inches of fluid which converts to 226,380 cubic inches of nitrogen gas. Liquid Nitrogen is stored in a DeWarr flask (like a coffee thermos). When the liquid nitrogen moves through a series of warmer conduits, the ambient heat causes the liquid to expand by 980 times to a now high pressure, non-polluting gas that then provides a motor force. Nitrogen gas comprises 78% of the Earth's atmosphere, is inert and totally non-polluting. Liquid Nitrogen will last for up to 1 month in it's liquid state without extra cos t 2 to 5 cents per gallon mile. (as per 1960's prices).

Mr. Boese's daughter told me in a phone conversation that her dad had designed and built a liquid nitrogen motor for use as a backup engine on the NASA Lunar Rover. An electric engine WAS INTENDED as the primary with the liquid nitrogen engine as backup. I was told the N2 engine was ACTUALLY USED in the pictures we see of the Lunar 'buggy' bouncing across the surface because it was smaller, less heavy because it did not have all those batteries (despite the 1/6th earth gravity) and much more efficient.

Boese's daughter said that he was ecstatic with this success and that NASA expressed an interest in promoting this as an excellent engine for vehicles. That lasted until the mission was over and then they changed their tune and refused to support any claims that a liquid nitrogen motor was actually used.

For the remainder of Boese's life, he tried to promote and market the use of his invention as a non-polluting motive force, with no appreciable success. A company was formed, Cryogenics Unlimited Corporation, for that purpose and offers were being considered from Japan and Italy. As of this writing (originally 1992), no commitment had been arranged from anyone.

The current status of the working vehicle is that one of the financial backers has the Pinto test car in his garage. It has not worked for several years. He has been tinkering with it to find out how to make it work but does not have the late Mr. Boese's understanding of the process.

Liquid nitrogen was available for about 2 to 5 cents per mile back in the 70's when the tests were being carried out. Boese claimed he had also discovered a means of generating his own liquid nitrogen AS THE CAR WAS RUNNING, so that it could partially or fully replenish its own fuel.

The beauty of his engine is that it could be used for many other purposes than just running a car. It could drive a generator to produce power for your home among other uses. There is much to yet be discovered (or RE-discovered) with regard to this principle and it needs to be shared with the greatest number of interested people in hopes they can or WILL do experiments that will be shared with the network. Good luck! >>> Jerry