Re: More on Anti-Time

Steve ( )
Thu, 21 May 1998 19:30:43 -0400

Hi Jerry,

> Really intriguing concept, that you could take an antitime generator
> right to where the person was in an accident, make sure nothing was
> piercing the body and that the person wasn't crumpled or constricted,
> then turn it on and let it do its negentropic thing....

One of my ideas was similar to this, however my intended use was a "de-aging
machine", which was basically the same thing.. However, the one problem I
could forsee, was what would happen to the person's memories in this
situation? Even in the case of a car accident, if the person remembered what
happened, it might cause psychological problems later.. (in which case we'd
like the memories to be erased) or if it was used to reverse age someone,
would they retain their memories, or would their memory de-age as well? Now,
if we had some way of transferring memories out of someone's body and back
in again, we wouldn't have a problem.. ;)

> God, what we could do with a consortium funding us...and not just me
> alone but several of us working together in a center...I have quite a
> list of people with various skills and intersts who definitely would
> JUMP at the chance to work at such a center....

I had a similar idea, and have discussed it with several of my friends who
are alsovery interested in alt tech. stuff like this, and we share the same
view, and ideas of
what could be accomplished if a group, or groups, like this could be formed.
the things we could do if we had the money.. heh


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