More on Anti-Time

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 19 May 1998 20:44:34 -0500

Hi Folks!

A guy at work stopped by my station Monday night and we got to talking
about various things, primarily about Fermi positron mapping graduate
work he did at TAMU.

Out of the blue, he said he knew I was also into 'weird stuff' and
recounted a video he'd seen a few years back (he's 22) taken by the
father of a friend while in India...this was before digital video so
chances for fakery were slim to none based on the video and the
conditions it was taken under...

I immediately thought of mass hypnosis but the video appears to indicate
something odd really occurred....

You should read this first;

then come back to read the rest of this post.

Here is a rough rendition of the story;

This friends father was an amateur anthropologist who was on assignment
in India working for his company, something to do with electronics...

He stayed over a couple of months travelling around the country when his
job was finished...during his travels, he met many interesting people
and saw some strange day, after building trust with the
locals in one small village, he was invited to a kind of demonstration
of yogic powers....he took his video camera.

He saw one of the fakirs pierce his arm with a knife and rotate it in
the flesh to produce a bloody hole in the arm with skin and muscle
pieces spilling out with the blood....this is shown on the video
followed moments later by a deep concentration by the Yogi which caused
the skin tissue and muscles to fold back in on themselves as the blood
was PULLED BACK INTO THE WOUND...the entire thing just played backwards
until it was in the same condition it was prior to the knife damage.

All on video.

Not to be outdone, another fakir had an assistant ram a large spear
through his solar plexus, piercing his body completely and leaving a
gaping hole through which you could clearly storyteller said
it was like Goldie Hawn in 'Death Becomes Her' as he saw it on the
video....tissue was ripped and hanging and blood was pouring
out....after a minute or so of taping this to get clear footage, the
fakir concentrated and time RAN BACKWARDS causing the blood to be again
pulled back into the body, the tissue moved to restore itself and the
gaping wound simply closed up, leaving NO BLOOD, or scar or other

This is all on this mystery video....needless to say, I begged him to
locate his friend and get me a copy of that video...he says he'll see
what he can do....

Imagine if we could prodcue a controlled anti-time effect....major car
wreck...the injured are placed inside a portable emergency antitime unit
(like the rejuve healing chamber on Stargate!!), within a matter of
minutes, all entropic effects have been reversed to their prior

Science fiction?? I can see how it could work which is why the antitime
paper was written...

It is so very important that we get a handle on altering aether flows
into mass in a controllable fashion. Gravity control/elimination, true
free energy, healing and rejuvenation, it all correlates with aether
manipulation as the central theme.....

I'll keep on him about the video tape....would make a great .mpeg file.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187