Re: How-to run an Engine on Hydrogen

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 04:43:37 -0500

Hi Ray!

You wrote;
> Of course everyone wants to use the ZPE as a source, but that would
> still require that it not already be in the lowest state and that
> we are able to let it get to a lower state.

But Ray, IMHO, aether is in the highest state of energy! That is how it
cascades down the aether spectrum to eventuate into mass (gee, never
used that word before, eventuate..hmm..)...from the file;

Aether is not only the finest but also the most (energy) dense substance
which Man has yet conceived. It permeates all of space and through its
many divisions, creates and SUSTAINS all matter and energy.

Aether can be so divided as to generate lower and lower frequencies with
resultant aggregations of energy, force and matter. Just as a prism
converts white light (many combined frequencies) into what we perceive
as single frequencies, so too can we use the phenomena of interference
(collisions with other frequencies, constructive or destructive), to
cause aether and other frequencies to be manipulated to produce energy,
matter and various 'effects'.

This means that we have a spectrum of creation generated from the
divisions of the Aether which can be shown by the following :

Physical Vibration

Cascading forcefalls of Aether divide to generate infinite interference
patterns which form the Universe and all Creation.
Well, that's my perception and why I think ZPE/aether is in fact the
highest energy state. Just as energy can be produced from mass, so too
can mass be produced from energy.

So, the trick is to tap this pressurized inflow of aether/zpe energy
into mass. Much like a waterwheel taps the water being 'pushed' by the
inflow of 'gravity' into the earth...<g>...

You also wrote;
> I know that Keely tried to do this or claimed to do it, but I still
> believe in the conservation of energy.

Dan Davidson states categorically that he met a scientist who claims to
have exploded water using 'your' standing wave...<g> is the URL
about the experiment as extracted from Dan's book;

if you have the time, you might want to read some of the files in the
Keely section, particularly by Dr. Brinton...check out;

or all the current online files at

You also wrote;
> I believe that the ZPE is not a uniform distribution and so
> there are possibilities.

I agree, there are definitely rarefactions and intensifications of
aether, just like pressure zones of air that cause weather changes.

That's what I'm looking for, how to artifically intensify or rarefy the
aether in a mass or around it. This would necessarily diminish or
accelerate the aether influx. If around the object, minimizing the
aether wind that holds the body to the earth, then you have 'weight
loss', if IN THE OBJECT, you have entirely different effects.

Best of all, understanding and using this simple aether influx control
principle would give us free energy, gravity control and rejuvenation,
all from one basic discovery....not to mention general weirdness like
time and dimensional shifts.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187