Re: Standind wave in a magnet

Guy Resh ( )
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 09:22:48 -0400 (EDT)


> Guy: I first logged on to the Keelynet BBS in Aug.93 so don't have the early
> messages. Mine start around 4500. Jerry posted the 1-6000. I have
> everything from 6000- till he shut the board down. I'd be interested as well
> as Jerry for a copy of the beginning days from 90 till 93.

Is there a place I can FTP this to?

> Didn't Jerry start the numbering over with #1 in 93?

>From what I recall, there was at least one "reset" when the board would crash
and it was just "easier" to restart at message 1. I'm not sure I have EVERY
message, but will have to check and let you know the exact ranges...

> As to your comment regards "free energy, anti-gravity etc" Do Able, I
> agree for all the new evidence surfacing everyday proves that modern physics
> does not have all the answers yet. We are on the verge of re-writting some
> text books.
> Norm

Agreed - the way I see it, 200 years ago, things were a LOT different. Heck,
just look at the last >50< years. Another 50, and we won't even remember
what an "internal combustion engine" was :) - ("in my day, we used to take
a bus to school in the snow, up hill, BOTH WAYS...").
