Re: Townsend Browns Work
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 18:06:46 -0600 (CST)

In my opinion the most important research Townsend Brown did was in
electrogravitics. From what I have read on the website and
on a few other websites he actually built and flew several small scale
electrogravitic discs. He even did this in a high vacumm. So there must be
something to his research into electrogravitics.

>From what I have been reading it seems like someone with a high voltage
generator, a good knowledge of electronics, and some other equipment could
reproduce one of his electrogravitic discs without too much difficulty. Has
anyone attempted to do this? If not then I think that someone should try
because if we could get a working model electrogravitic disc then it would
prove once and for all that electrogravitics are REAL. What would be
interesting is if after the small scale disc was created and flown they were
sold to the public as novelties... The "levitron" which was a simple magnet
floating on a magnetic field sold very well and it was not even real
antigravity. Just think how well a REAL electrogravitic disc/toy could sell.
All of the proceeds could go to funding further studies into

Now what is this about townsend brown doing studies for the
government/military that we do not know about? How many experiments did he
peform for them?

Best Regards,

On 03/20/98 09:56:21 you wrote:
>I am very interested in townsend Browns work and have recently been
>doing some experimenting with this. My experiments have been directed
>twards the petrovoltic batterys. one of the best sources of specific
>information for me has been Optical Multimedia &the the Towsend Brown
>Family at they publish(for a fee)a farily
>extensive library of his papers BUT there is a much larger body of work
>that remains out of the hands of the public because He was Working for
>the Government and it remains classified. If anyone has heard detailed
>information regarding his later years I would also be very interested
>Jerry has posted many interesting aticles on this and related subjects
>on keely net. Good Luck and if you do find more specific information i
>hope you pass it along here!