Re: Something you should really examine.

Bob Aldrich ( )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 23:46:29 -0800

Dr Jones wrote:
> At 00:26 3/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Bill McMurtry wrote:
> >
> >> Hey Hexslinger,
> >>
> >> What ya mean we should'nt talk about things we don't know to exist? Is'nt
> >> creativity or discovery your bag?
> >
> >Well DUH, of course creativity and discovery is in my bag -- but theism
> >isn't.
> >
> >> "Grrr... Atlantis was a Minoan city on the island of
> >> Stronghyle-Santorini"???!!! Since when? Is this your preferred theory or is
> >> this fact? (you state it like a real solid fact) Please provide evidence to
> >> support your claim (or is it someone else's claim that you are following?).
> >> If it's true that Atlantis was home to a bronze age culture with no nifty
> >> gadgets (no nifty gadgets!!!), then you've just wrecked my day. :)
> >
> >Anyway, to sum up his conclusions: The whole Atlantis foul-up began when a
> >greek named Solon traveled to Egypt. There he studied with egyptian
> >priests and was allowed to read their scrolls, where he learned of a
> >powerful 'nation' called Atlantis. Solon, unfortunately, misread the
> >scrolls - he misread the scrolls, such that all his measurements were TEN
> >TIMES TOO BIG. Later, Plato copied his measurements and accounts as
> <snip>
> I understand that this isn't the end of the story. The Aztecs believed that
> they originated from a land to the east, the Basques believed that they
> originated from a land to the west. The Basque "nation" is very different
> from any other European one; their language and their DNA is completely
> unrelated to their european neighbours.
> So there's more than meets the eye to this one.
> On another point, I saw yesterday on the news that 2 NEW ZEALAND scientists,
> this time from Massey University, have devised a way to create solar cells
> up to 3 times more efficient than current silicon ones.
> The cells are actually dye filled slabs of plastic that function in much the
> same way as chloraphyll in leaves does.
> The scientists say it could be 5 years before it reaches the market.
> DrJ

Sounds like Alvin Marks' project which has been around quite awhile. He
is the fellow who patented polarized lenses. (at least he thought it up,
I think he holds the patent)

for some info on this look at:

Originally he said it would be 80% efficiency, but seems he's dropped
his expectations from the ideal...

Also there is an old Keely file, maybe called 80%solar.asc but I can't
recall exactly. I was quite enthused about this originally. He told me
there was about 1 KW per square foot of sunlight, and he thought he'd be
able to capture 80% of that ideally. I'm suprised he's still alive as he
was about 80 years old when I talked to him in the early 90s.

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles