Re: Pre-flood rejuvenation/Something you should really examine.

John Berry ( )
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 18:14:25 +1300

I wonder how much more pressure it takes?
Anyway it is interesting that yogis can do amazing feats that they say
depends on how you breath, it is possible that under the greater pressure and
increased oxygen all people could have some of the abilities that yogis have.

John Berry

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi John, Chris et al!
> I think the point here is the gas mixture, though the comment about water
> blocking the DNA UV disruption frequency is certainly well tended.
> If the copperhead snakes were exposed to a higher pressure consisting of
> an air mixture of regular air doped with 35% per volume oxygen, to get
> effects, then it is simple enough to make a plastic air curtain around a
> bed, then run an oxygen enriched air mixture into it while sleeping...
> This has most likely been done several times in labs and reported on.
> Just a matter of looking it up. Let's see keywords for a search; oxygen,
> hyperbaric chamber, aging and oxygen, respiration air mixtures, etc...
> Wonder how much a bottle of oxygen costs? The problem I think would be
> to not so dope the air you breathe that it becomes pure
> could experience a serious problem....perhaps this Dr. Baugh paper with
> the snakes will provide some more details.
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187