Re: Something you should really examine.
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 00:22:39 -0500

>All this information to me has resulted in my assumption that someone
>upstairs (did you think we were alone?) got a bit tight in the budget
>and couldn't afford to keep all that water hanging around up there in
>the skies and had to let it fall down. Why was it even there? Because
>while it was there, we COULDN'T SEE STARS. And if we couldn't see stars,
>we couldn't see WHERE WE HAD COME FROM, wouldn't be reminded of our

>past, and we wouldn't try to get the hell out of here!

The stars are perfectly visible from 100' below water in fact he water can
magnify the stars.
Just do night dive to see for yourself. This does not sound to credible.

Chris Gupta

>(several more paragraphs snipped here, but saved for the really curious)
>All for now,
>Bob Aldrich
>Los Angeles