Re: Townsend Brown's Electrogravitic Discs and Let me Introduce Myself

John Berry ( )
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 17:58:01 +1300

Yes the disks have been tried in a vacuum and have been made sure that it was
not just placing thrust on the vacuum walls.

The thrust has got up to 110% of the weight of device.... There are many
The set-up in patent 2,949,550 is perfect for a toy.

A high voltage set-up could be made affordably.

I would pay upto $300 for a simple kit with little assembly.

Good idea!

John Berry wrote:

> Everyone,
> Please let me introduce myself. My name is William Hand and I am an 18 year
> old high school graduate. I am interested in computers, science, UFOs/ETs,
> science fiction, advanced technology, movies, television, the internet, etc.
> Let me state that I am NOT very educated right now and most likely I am not
> MOST ignorant person on this list. So I apologise if my posts do not seem
> like they are from a highly educated person. I know very little about
> Physics and Higher Math.
> Now, Have all of you heard about Townsend Brown's Electrogravitic discs? I
> have been reading up on them on the internet for the last several weeks.
> Townsend Brown's electrogravitic discs are very interesting and I would like
> your opinion about them. Do you believe they were electrogravitic? Or do you
> believe they used "electric wind"? From what I have read he tested them in a
> high vacumm and they performed even BETTER.
> Now, if we all agree that Townsend Brown's discs were real and manipulated
> gravity then I have a proposal. Why don't we, all of you, or someone try and
> reproduce his electrogravitic discs, make very small scale versions, and
> sell them as novelties/toys? Personally, I think that we, all of you, or
> someone could make a LOT of money off of creating his discs and selling
> small versions of them that could be plugged into a wall socket and would
> float using an artificial gravity field. Have you heard of the "levitron"?
> It is a toy that has been sold on the website. It is really just a little
> magnet suspended like in a magnetic field. It is NOT real antigravity. If we
> developed small scale versions of Townsend Brown's discs then we could make
> a BUNDLE of money selling them and at the same time we would help to EXPOSE
> a SUPPRESSED technology to the WORLD!
> Any money that was made from selling these small scale discs could be used
> to support further new/alternative energy and antigravity research. So what
> do you think? Do you think it would be possible to reproduce his discs and
> sell them to the public? We could make money to support
> antigravity/NewEnergy research and expose a suppressed technology at the
> same time.
> What do you think?
> Well, take care and God Bless.
> Best Regards,
> William Hand