Pre-flood rejuvenation/Something you should really examine.

John Berry ( )
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 15:03:16 +1300

People in submarines don't see the effects that you say the people the
biosphere had so there must be an important difference, maybe the biosphere
could let light in?

I think that you must have the sun's light diffused through the water and
enter the person, It may be needed to do this on a sunny day.

It can't just be shielding light, There must be a change in the light or the
light may induce something in the water or there may be two parts to the
light and the water shields the bad part but lets the good part through.

What if you had an orgone gun but had the orgone filtered through water
first or maybe just the light from a light bulb?

John Berry

CJT Enterprises one wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> A friend of mine who worked for the NSA related an experiment that
> was conducted by NASA. Three scientists lived on the floor of the ocean
> for about 1-3 months in a biosphere. When they left they were all
> middle aged with graying hair and low libidos. When they returned their
> hair was clear of gray, their wrinkles had started to disappear, and
> their sex drive was so increased that their wives complaied to NASA
> about it. It turns out that certain glands and organs were
> "reactivated." One in particular was the gland that lies over the top
> of the heart. Blood tests showed unusual hormones. Hormones that are
> normally associated with the growth of young children.
> If you check the Creation Research Center and look up the url for the
> Creation Research Institute you can then find the geologist who
> recreated the atmosphere of the flood in a container. I havent checked
> for his name yet. Been behind on my page and other projects, but I am
> having a pastor friend look into it for me.
> What if we take this knowledge and build a "room" that emulates the
> atmosphere of the Earth before the flood and sleep in it for 8 hours a
> day? What effects might it have? My friend from the NSA said that for
> every day spent in there one year was added onto your life until you
> maxed out at 1000.
> Chris
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