Re: Pre-flood rejuvenation/Something you should really examine.

John Berry ( )
Mon, 02 Mar 1998 17:41:52 +1300

Hexslinger wrote:

> The difference being that submarines are nuclear powered - they give off
> enough of their own lovely radiation across the spectrum (albeit very
> little) -- but the main point here is that submarines dont stay underwater
> long enough for there to be any noticeable effect. After all, do *YOU*
> know of anyone who's been in a sub CONSTANTLY for 10 years? I dont.

The people were in the biosphere for 1-3 months not for 10 years, and saw a marked
effect.I believe that submarines would be down for that long quite often,
furthermore in the same email that said about the biosphere said that one day in
such a chamber would add a year.

Submarines appear to be down long enough and without knowing the depth of the
biosphere they seem to be down deep enough.

I don't know how much of the time submarines are at great depths does anyone on
the list know how long and how deep submarines go?

John Berry