Re: Probability Biasing

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 03:10:34 -0800

Hi Mathias et al!

You wrote;
> as we age (and/or evolve in a specific culture), some frequencies
> simply desappear altogether from our voice or earing. In analyzing
> one's voice imprint and making a tape including all missing
> frequencies, then listening to the missing frequencies over and over
> again, the person would in effect gradually recover the hability to
> percieve/pronounce such lost sounds. This amounts to rewiring the
> brain functions apparently lost with sounds.

Agreed. There was a fellow from Alaska, many years ago at a conference
in Denver, he had a light box that had gemstones mounted on a wheel...the
gem had a bright light shown through it and out of the box through an
eyepiece. The subject was to look at each color as it came through the
gemstone....surprisingly, some people could not see one or more colors!!

He said we had something like little paint buckets for all the colors in
our body. If any of these buckets were empty, we would not be able to
see the color....but if we look at the color we can't see for a period of
time, it will refill our bucket and we can once again see the color. Once
your paint bucket is filled again, all kinds of good things happen in the
body....healing and mental problems go away...

I have to say, riding over on the hotel shuttle from the airport with
about 5 other people, there was this old, enfeebled farmer. We struck up
a conversation and I really felt sorry for him as he could hardly walk or
get around...he said he came to the conference hoping for some kind of
alternative healing method....he also attended this Wayne from Alaska
color presentation on the 2nd day of the conference...I saw the old man
the 3rd day, he was walking along at a good clip, not stooped or tired,
his eyes where sparkling and I had to ask what the hell happened to
you...he said he went up to Waynes room and looked into the gem color
machine...said about 4 of the colors were invisible to him at first, but
as he looked, he began to see them and then he could see them fully...he
said he hobbled back to his room thinking the whole thing was a
fraud...the next morning, he woke up early, full of energy and as I saw
him, able to walk, no pain....I was ASTOUNDED....mostly because I had
seen him from the airport and this was such a change...amazing....there
is a system at; that I've tried that did
produce results for me and two others I know. That Caduceus Lux III
website (couldn't find the URL) also uses gemstones for healing...this is
such a simple thing to do, gemstones and a bright light....I'll see if I
can find what gemstones are being used, I think Wayne from Alaska used 7
or 8 stones....would make a great device for a clinic or place where
people come together...just let'em sit and look at the pretty
colors...and keep records on before and after conditions to see if there
are any improvements....simple and clean but a bit costly....another one
wide open to development...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187