Re: Hardball

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 02:53:52 -0800

Hi Roger et al!

You wrote;
> 1.Daniel have chosen a specific wiring circuit, wich he have found to
> be beneficial to energy flow.

Yes, some claim there do appear to require certain parameters in the
components as well as a specific geometry that adds to the energy. Maybe
even produces a 'negative resistance' so that any energy it 'sees' will
flow without any resistance or impedance whatsoever...that energy is
either rectified (a diode being a 'check valve' allowing energy of one
polarity to flow in one direction, but NOT in the other direction) to let
it run a load DIRECTLY, or is accumulated in a storage device that is
bled to feed the load.

> As for initiated Alchemists, only the initiated can get the phenomena.
> Keely and Daniel too ? I think we have a lot to learn from this.

Do you really think that is a requirement? I kind of think some just
have a natural gift, though I think others might learn how to do it.
There is a book, I think it is SuperMind that talks about the Mind
Mirror. This machine is two arrays of LEDs, one representing the left
hemisphere, the other representing the right....if you can balance the
amplitudes of certain frequencies to produce SPECIFIC PATTERNS, you evoke
SPECIFIC ABILITIES. I saw this in a fellow named Dicky Surman from
England...never met him before, saw him sit down, hook up to a mind
mirror and about 2 minutes later, an image of a Grecian urn appeared.

This is the one that was found to indicate psychic ability, as in
'channeling'...the other 2 guys I was with and I asked Dicky if he had
any gifts, he said yes, he had a voice that spoke through him....he
answered (while channeling) several technical questions we asked of him.

Amazing to see someone just sit down and produce such a QUANTIFIED
balance of EEG patterns to produce a given shape....the book shows all
kinds of shapes to evoke various responses...

Totally untapped at this time, I think it has tremendous potentials.
Maybe I'll do a file on it with the images...unless someone knows of one
already done??? The point being, you can use a low level EEG system on
your computer to learn to produce a certain shape, thereby evoking a
certain ability....IMHO, this can also be KINDLED into the brain to FORCE
an ability via entrainment through a given broadcast pattern.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187